The Crucible: John Proctor Is A Tragic Hero

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What really is a tragic hero, a tragic hero defined by Aristotle as someone who (“differentiate himself from every other man, that moment when out of a sky full of star he fixes on one star),” (Bhatia). Aristotle also says that to qualify for being a tragic hero is (“suffering of the most inward or psychological rather than physical),” (Bhatia). Although John Proctor isn’t really considered a tragic hero because of what Aristotle says, buy he is because of how he courageously saved his family’s name rather than him and his family living in shame. John Proctor isn’t considered a tragic hero as stated as Aristotle says. Infact i believe that John Proctor is in fact a tragic hero because of how he saved his family name instead of just living with shame and wished he did it. One of the reasons i think he is one because of Aristotle said that “Suffering,the second important constant of tragedy),” (Bhatia). John proctor stuffers from facing the …show more content…

John Proctor may have not been born as of high status in any kingdoms, but he was very famous in his town for being the(“ wisest and maturest of all the people of Salem),” (bhatia). In the plays that Miller write (“for instance, his heroes, unlike the traditional tragic heroes, are not big or great people, but in matters of passions like love and jealousy, they are not too different from them),” (bhatia). In conclusion John Proctor meets all the requirements in one way shape or form of a tragic hero. He was the wisest and maturest of all the people of Salem. Proctor had his awakening as a tragic hero by stepping up and saying to kill him and not harm my family’s name. John Proctor also suffered a lot because he was trying to confront an evil world and help it. The Crucible it self had irony in it especially John Proctor what he did was try to help get rid of the evil when technically he was the evil

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