The Crown By Kierra Cason Point Of View

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Point of view can drastically change a novel in the way that it is presented and perceived. In the novel The Crown by Kiera Cass, Eadlyn, the main character tells the story through the first person point of view. Her point of view also affects her emotions, and throughout this story her emotions directly affects what she believes, what she does, and how the story comes out. Similarly emotions and point of view also affect what people believe and do. The first way the narrator's point of view affects the novel is show through how Eadlyn’s emotions affect what she believes. At the beginning of the book, Eadlyn’s mother America has a heart attack right after her twin brother ran off with the french princess Camille. Eadlyn reaches a point where emotionally she feels like a burden to her family and that she causes all of the problems. Because of this She beings to believe that she is the reason that her mother is not her deathbed.“The doctors believed that the shock of Ahren’s departure was the catalyst for her current …show more content…

After the attempt to be pushed into war and saying no, the story takes a turn for peace. “A war would add unnecessary strain to an already stressful moment and would cause an upheaval between us and the country we are now bound to by marriage. We will not fight”(Cass 16). This allows Eadlyn to focus more on her country and parents current situation. Although if Eadlyn would have gone to war, the entire story would have take a different turn. Illea would have been in an uproar and her parents would have been thrown into the chaos. Along with that, Eadlyn would have not become queen when she did because her father would have felt her to be irresponsible. The staple of her father's reign was peace. If Eadlyn would have not become queen, then the country would have also never became a constitutional monarchy where the people could have a say in how their government

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