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Multiculturalism and its influence on society
Meaning Of Multicultural Feminism
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The Complex Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism
These days, it seems that multiculturalism is generally an assumed good. Increased acknowledgement of diversity and cultural sensitivity seem to be steps toward leveling the playing field for all human beings. And that is the goal of much scholarship and activism, right--to secure and ensure human rights across the board? That is one of global feminism’s aims, so it would seem that multiculturalism would help, not hinder, feminist work to better the situation of women. That is not necessarily the case.
It may be helpful to first clarify what is meant by both feminism and multiculturalism. Though it is difficult to definitively state what is meant by these complex terms, Susan Moller Okin is able to sum up the essence of feminism and single out a facet of multiculturalism that is particularly relevant. In her essay, “Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women?,” Okin explores the relationship between feminism and multiculturalism, especially pertaining to the granting of “group rights.” Okin writes: “By feminism, I mean the belief that women should not be disadvantaged by their sex, that they should be recognized as having human dignity equal to that of men, and that they should have the opportunity to live as fulfilling and as freely chosen lives as men can.” She goes on, writing that “Multiculturalism is harder to pin down, but the particular aspect that concerns me here is the claim, made in the context of basically liberal democracies, that minority cultures or ways of life are not sufficiently protected by the practice of ensuring the individual rights of their members, and as a consequence these should also be protected through special group rights of priv...
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...a hard time representing our entire country’s population in a few sentences, or even a few pages. The American cultural system of today is far different than the culture of the 1940’s, and my experience as a Southerner is quite different than that of someone from New England. Multiculturalism seeks to protect cultures from extinction, it is very dangerous to over-simplify a complex cultural system and identify it by its most extreme practices. Feminism and multiculturalism do have some of the same goals; chiefly, equality of rights for all human beings. It is true that some efforts of multiculturalism counter feminism’s goals to empower women, but I do not think that this must always be the case. Cultural sensitivity is not enough; we must consider cultural practices, the workings of the cultural system that supports them, and how that system itself came about.
Brunner and his colleagues, and upon the discovery of a particular genetic defect in male members of a large Dutch family. In this large Dutch kindred, Brunner et al. (1993) identified a novel form of X-linked nondysmorphic mild mental retardation, and he found that all of the male family members with this defect reacted aggressively when angry, fearful, and frustrated. All the affected males in the family showed characteristic abnormal behavior, in particular aggressive, and sometimes violent behavior. These males in the family displayed mild impairment of cognitive functions and some types of abnormal impulsive behavior which includes arson, attempted rape, and exhibitionism. Even attempted suicide was reported in a single case. The defect discovered was later found to be a mutation in the gene that codes for monoamine oxidase A (MAOA gene). Brunner showed that in the affected males there was a mutation in the gene for the enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAOA). The enzyme deactivates the hormones and neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine, more commonly known as noradrenaline and adrenaline. At this time, Brunner said that an "MAO-A deficiency is associated with a recognizable behavioral phenotype that included disturbed regulation of impulsive aggression. The transmission pattern of Brunner syndrome in the families reported was consistent with X-linked recessive inheritance. A man with Brunner syndrome is what expert psychiatrists refer to as “a bad guy.”
In “In Living Color: Race and American Culture”, Michael Omi claims that racism still takes place in America’s contemporary society. According to Omi, media and popular culture shape a segregating ideology by giving a stereotypical representation of black people to the public, thus generating discrimination between races (Omi 115:166). In “Bad Feminist: Take One”, Roxane Gay discusses the different roles that feminism plays in our society. She argues that although some feminist authors and groups try to create a specific image of the feminist approach, there is no definition that fully describe feminism and no behaviors that can make someone a good feminist or a bad feminist (Gay 304:306). Both authors argue
Prior to the 20th century, female artists were the minority members of the art world (Montfort). They lacked formal training and therefore were not taken seriously. If they did paint, it was generally assumed they had a relative who was a relatively well known male painter. Women usually worked with still lifes and miniatures which were the “lowest” in the hierarchy of genres, bible scenes, history, and mythological paintings being at the top (Montfort). To be able to paint the more respected genres, one had to have experience studying anatomy and drawing the male nude, both activities considered t...
Epstein, Robert, Mayuri Pandit, and Mansi Thakar. "How Love Emerges In Arranged Marriages: Two Cross-Cultural Studies." Journal Of Comparative Family Studies 44.3 (2013): 341-360. Academic Search Complete. Web. 31 Mar. 2014
3. Dannen, Gene. "Atomic Bomb: Decision." http://www.dannen.com. N.p., 9 Aug. 2003. Web. 1 Jan. 2011
Gustman, A. L., Steinmeier, T. L., & Tabatabai, N. (2012). How Did The Recession Of
According to Merriam-Webster, nuclear fission is defined as “the splitting of an atomic nucleus resulting in the release of large amounts of energy” (Nuclear Fission). In the book Remembering the Manhattan Project: Perspectives on the Making of the Atomic Bomb and Its Legacy, Richard Rhodes, an American journalist and historian, states that fission was essentially discovered by accident. On December 21, 1938, German physicists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, were performing an experiment in which they bombarded uranium atoms with neutrons (Rhodes 17). They saw that this procedure created mutated atoms that had strange characteristics. Hahn and Strassman found that the neutrons split the nuclei of the uranium in half producing radioactive barium and krypton (Rhodes 18). Rhodes explains that the physicists observed that the reaction was extremely exothermic, producing about ten times the energy needed for the fission to occur. After publishing their findings, physicists all over the world recreated the experiment. After conducting his own fission experiment, Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist at Colombia University, said, “A little bomb like that and it would all disappear” (qtd. Rhodes 19). Many of the world’s physicists came to the same conclusion; this reaction could be used to develop an atomic weapon. According to Rhodes, this discovery made the development of atomic weaponry seem essential to many countries because the only way to defend themselves against atomic weapons was to have similar weapons of their own.
Answers on which genes affect anti-social behavior have started to emerge from genetic studies. In a study done on mice, if the MAOA gene (monoamine oxidase A), is neutralized the mice become extremely aggressive. If the gene is reactivated they return to their normal behavior. Studies on humans have also implied that the lack of the MAOA gene is responsible for anti-social behavior. The challenge now is to understand which genes affect this behavior.
Academic discourse is the means by which new and old theories may be applied to a topic in order to reach a better understanding or challenge a notion raised within the field. It is through discussing and analyzing these concepts that individual voices may be applied to an academic community, allowing for a wider lens of thought to be picked up and further discussed. Grewal participates in this discourse in her article “'Women's Rights as Human Rights': Feminist Practices, Global Feminism, and Human Rights Regimes in Transnationality”. This paper shall analyze and discuss how Grewal applies previous theoretical concepts related to feminist discourse in order to offer a Transnationalist Feminist critique to the Global Feminist notion of Women's Rights as Human Rights.
Feminism, in its simplest definition, is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. (Webster) Feminists fight for equality for women to men socially, politically, and economically. At the peak of feminist discourse is equality for men and women in education and in employment. However, feminism also focuses on more than issues regarding the rights of women in relation to men. Issues of gender equality and women’s right to control their sexuality are also at the core of feminist theory. A key argument made by many feminists is how women have very little control over their sexuality, mainly being defined and controlled by men. T...
As defined by Thompson, multiracial feminism also did not just taken into consideration sexism as the core of oppression. Multiracial feminism addressed the fact that racism was the core of oppression for most women of color. Along with racism, it also addressed class, gender, and sexuality. All of the interlocking oppressions worked together against women of color, which made necessary for their own brand of feminism.
We live in the modern society where women can vote, work, have access to birth control, freedom of speech, and be independent. However, two articles written by feminist writers Jessica Valenti and bell hooks demonstrate that feminism still exist because of an inevitable inequality that women face in the society. Both writers are convinced that most of the people do not really know what feminism is about or they do not look at it closer in order to be able to understand the purpose of this movement. According to them, feminism is not about being anti-men and spreading hatred towards males as many individuals claim. As bell hooks states in her article “[…] I tend to hear about the evil of feminism […] how ‘they’ hate men […]” (11). Feminism does
“Arranging a Marriage in India” by Serena Nanda is a well written, informative article aimed at sharing the view of the Indian culture on arranged marriages and also showing how much effort is put into the process of arranging a marriage. Our own culture has evolved into accepting the fact that we are all independent individuals who could not imagine having someone else make such a significant decision for us. Serena Nanda does an excellent job of using her sources within the society as evidence of the acceptance of the arranged marriage aspect of their culture.
Feminism is a body of political movement and social theory primarily based on and motivated by the experiences of the sexes. While generally providing a critique of social relations, proponents of feminism also focus on analyzing gender inequality and the promotion of women’s rights, interest, and issues. However, having the major goal of developing into an equal society between genders. We have evolved, but our views on gender roles have not evolved.
Cross-cultural marriage practices have become a more than common trend in today’s society. With vast improvements in technology, and mobilization, the ability for