The Complete Persepolis Reza Shah Research Paper

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Reza Shah was an Iranian army officer who eventually rose through army ranks to become the Shah of Iran. He is first mentioned in the book The Complete Persepolis when Marji’s father tells her the story of how Reza Shah came into power (Satrapi 20). Following the death of his father, Reza’s mother took him to Tehran, where he then enlisted as a private in an Iranian military unit. Despite being so young, he showed an unyielding will from the beginning and demonstrated a good capacity for leadership. Because of this, he quickly gained the respect of the seniors. Around this time, chaos started in Iran, and Reza Khan wanted to take power and form a strong government supported by a disciplined military force. On February 21, 1921, he occupied Tehran. …show more content…

Reza Khan valued the idea of regenerating Iran and leading it toward a path of ongoing progress. He did not want to let someone less experienced and knowledgeable than him rule the country. Reza Khan's progress toward this desired supreme rule was quite rapid. He showed great political talent, never revealing his true intentions, and could easily weaken his opponents. Reza Khan also knew that to complete his ultimate goal, he would need full control over a military force. To achieve this, he levied some taxes, built up the army with the proceeds, and then used the army to collect more taxes. He did this until he finally gained control over the whole country. As war minister, he was the real power behind many prime ministers in succession until 1923 when he finally became the prime minister himself. Then in 1925, the Majles deposed the absentee monarch, and a constituent assembly finally elected Reza Khan as

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