The Common Physical Effects Of Sex Trafficking And Sex Work

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Sex trafficking has many definitions when looked up and there has yet to be solid internationally used definition, but the over all main meaning found throughout all is the act of forcing a person through violence, manipulation, drugs, threats, etc. to perform sexual acts of all types against their wills; and as said by George in Sex Trafficking and Sex Work: Definitions, Debates and Dynamics — A Review of Literature it is when “primarily women and children are coerced or deceived for the purpose of commercial sex exploitation.” Sex trafficking is clearly a violation of a persons human rights and is a type of modern slavery that unfortunately countless of people have to become victims of. People from all over the world are potential victims …show more content…

Because of the lack of care most victims have, physical consequences can not only cause long term effects but can easily also lead to death. Physical developments are more dangerous, harder to over come, can cause further long term concerns, and can negatively influence the victim’s situation while still with traffickers. The common physical effects that sex trafficking victims suffer stated in Fact Sheet: Sex Trafficking (English) are “drug and alcohol addiction; physical injuries (broken bones, concussions, burns, vaginal/anal tearings); traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting in memory loss, dizziness, headaches, numbness; sexually transmitted diseases (e.g., HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis, UTIs, pubic lice); sterility, miscarriages, menstrual problems; other diseases (e.g., TB, hepatitis, malaria, pneumonia); and forced or coerced abortions.” Same as mental effects, if these physical effects go untreated they can go bad very quick. Without proper care the possibility of death is very high and extremely probable. When physical damage has occurred and it has not been tended too victims could have trouble with the traffickers because they are not performing and complying with the orders that are given to them. Some of the physical illness that are attained by victims are ones that are incurable and because of them they will permanently alter the

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