The Cold War Essay

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The Cold War was an interesting time period for the world, seeing that it was after one of the biggest and most memorable wars ever. Yet, it was a different type of war. One that no one had ever seen before, it was a war without fighting (kind of). It was a war fought in between the USSR and the United States. Each side also included their allies: the US had NATO and the USSR had the Warsaw pact. The timeframe of this war was from 1947 to 1991. Despite the fact that this war is one of the longest in our history, I have chosen three main points that I think are vital for understanding the Cold War.
Before when I said that this war took place without any fighting between the sides, I wasn’t lying. However, instead of directly fighting each other, they supported different sides during other wars that had the same ideals as them. Two examples of this would be the Vietnam War and the Korean War. The Vietnam War was the classic North versus South. North Vietnam was communist and it didn’t agree with the beliefs of South Vietnam who was somewhat capitalistic and had a democracy. Well, eventually, the two clashed and both the US and the USSR saw this as an opportunity to “fight” each other, at least when it came to their ways of government. The story of the Korean War was the same. Two different groups with two different ideologies went to war with each other and again the US and USSR saw it fit to get involved to prove a point to each other and the world. Still today we can see remnants of outcomes from both of these wars. In Korea we can see the south part flourishing while the north part is still seething over the division 50 years ago. In Vietnam we saw resentment as we merged the two into one country. So even though the Cold War has ...

... middle of paper ... and press differ greatly between the two government styles. In America, we have a first amendment that guarantees the freedom of press. This means that the press has the right to put opinions within the media that they produce and distribute without censorship by the government. That is an entirely different story when it comes to the Soviet Union. Their press and media were super censored meaning that nothing got out to the public that the government didn’t approve first. That eliminated the threat of revolt.
As I examined the Cold War, interesting stories and facts appeared that fascinate our minds with wonders about what it was like back then. But, by pulling out three main points, I was able to understand the basics of the Cold War and get an insight into what really happened and how it affects the world that we live in today.

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