The Coherence Theory of Justification

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The Coherence Theory of Justification Cohertism is an alternative to foundationalism, cohertism is the idea that new information is well justified and accepted as knowledge if it coheres (agrees) with our existing knowledge in a mutually supporting network Coherentism offers answers to some of the problems that arise with foundationalism, and therefore it offers an alternative or additional means of justify our belief systems. And in these systems we hold hundreds of beliefs that support each other coherently. However some beliefs that we hold do not necessary fit with our coherent set of beliefs, for example I hold that ghosts exist as dead people, however I also belief that when people die they are just dead, so I keep the belief that when people die they are just dead, and keep that in the system with hundreds of other beliefs about most things in my life and I put the belief about ghosts in a new set of beliefs, along with evidence and justification which I also believe in, for example I saw a program abo...

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