The Cleanness Of Dogs: Clean Water For Dogs

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Have you ever had a dog that gets their water bowl dirty or spills the water? Dogs need water all the time and every day of their life, but it has to be fresh, clean water. Clean water is very important to animals, especially dogs because they exercise or run so much. If they don’t get enough water, they can get dehydrated or even die. Some people don’t give dogs clean enough water or even not enough. The cleanness of water is very important to animals, including dogs.
When dogs don’t drink enough, it causes them to be dehydrated. “Dehydration is a lack of water in the body” (Dehydration and Water Needs in Dogs). Most of the body of dogs is water. Some dogs get way too hot outside and can get dehydrated. Dehydration can cause many effects to dogs. Dogs will drink more to stay hydrated if it is hotter. Water is used for most dogs systems. You have to keep clean water out at all times. If dogs get too dehydrated, their organs could shut down and they could die (The Importance of Water for Dog Nutrition). Some dogs can get dehydrated easier then other if they have problems or illnesses. Some symptoms of dehydration are dry mouth or depression. If your dogs are dehydrated, they …show more content…

If a dog loses 10% of its water, it could cause serious illnesses. An adult dog’s body is 60% water and a puppy’s body is 84% water. “Water is necessary for almost every function the animal body performs.” A dog should consume 2.5 times the amount of food they eat that day (Water: A Nutritional Requirement). The dogs will drink more water if they get physical exercise or are outside for too long. Dogs do work a lot better for sports or hunting, if they have clean, fresh water (Water: A Nutritional Requirement). In the text it said, “All untreated water can harbor bacteria, viruses, and parasites.” Not all water is as clean as it should be, The water has to be very clean for the dog to stay

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