The Christian Anti-Gay Activism

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The homosexual lifestyle results in terrible consequences for the people who practice it. Until recently, shame ruled this lifestyle, and homosexuals hid in the darkness alienated from their families, churches, and communities. Consequently, this alienation led to additional personal effects such as depression, self-blame and guilt, anxiety, and suicide (Subhi and Greelan 1395). Rather than ministering to these lost and hurting people, the Christian community figuratively took up arms against them, sought legislation to marginalize and discriminate against them, and worst of all, withheld the love of Christ from them. Conversely, the world has accepted them with open arms and gave them false hope. Nevertheless, the onus is on the Christian …show more content…

The following decade experienced the AIDS epidemic, and the Church missed the opportunity to speak grace and instead spewed venom by proclaiming God’s judgement and showed no compassion for those who were suffering (Kinnaman et al. 110). The battles between the two groups increasingly became heated and resulted in bitterness, angst, and sustained acrimony. (Fetner, "How the Religious" 119). For example, a study pointed out by Dave Kinnaman shows that 49% of unchurched people have a negative impression of the term ‘evangelical’ (25). Most of these impressions are a result of the strategies deployed by anti-homosexual activism. Specifically, study participants expressed that evangelicals are: unable to live peacefully with anyone who does not share their beliefs; famous for what they oppose, rather than who they are for; bigoted and show disdain for gays and lesbians; and overly motivated by a political agenda (Kinnaman et al. 26–30). Another study, this one among Christians, revealed that two out of every five born-again Christians admitted they have more sympathy for people with cancer than they do for people with HIV/AIDS. Kinnaman explained, “This perspective typically springs from the idea that the disease is deserved” (95). Additionally, the heated battles mobilized …show more content…

Additionally, it is a complex and confusing lifestyle that the world, and some in the Church, have embraced as being normal. This lifestyle was not God’s intent. First, God created man and woman, and he blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number” (New International Version, Gen 1.27-28). Same sex relationships cannot be fruitful nor enable procreation as God designed. Secondly, God does not change his mind (1Sam 15.29). The Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb 13.8). Unfortunately, some Christians ignore this holy attribute of God, and it is leading to dangerous doctrine permeating the Church. David Kinnaman called it “Hijacking Jesus” and further explained: Some Christians respond to outsiders' negativity by promoting a less offensive faith. The unpopular parts of Christian teaching are omitted or deemphasized. They hijack the image of Jesus by portraying him as an open-minded, big-hearted, and never-offended-anyone moral teacher. That is an entirely wrong idea of Jesus.

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