The Cell Phone Industry Cell phone manufacturers and service providers are at the core of the cell phone industry. These corporations are integral from their research and development endeavors to interactions with the consumer and the marketing of new products. The companies that control such factors of cellular phones are very numerous, so it is difficult to address all the cell phone manufacturers and service providers. However, we have focused largely on only the most significant cellular companies namely in the U.S. marketplace, although many have global ties. Collectively, companies around the world have the same goals in mind – to create desirable cutting-edge technology and to increase consumer satisfaction with hopes of generating sales, and thus profits. Manufacturers and service providers of cell phones are located throughout the world, although, as inCode, a wireless business and technology consulting firm, suggests, “Not many wireless carriers today have a truly global presence.” However, the company predicts that “the top 10 wireless carriers are going to make a push for globalization in the coming years” (“InCode releases…”). Most especially, inCode foresees service providers reaching to “unconquered markets like China, which is the fastest growing wireless market in the world” (“InCode releases…”). Some companies have already tapped into the global marketplace, spreading areas of coverage across continents. The cell phone manufacturer Nokia, for example, is rooted in Finland, but sells cellular phone products virtually everywhere on the globe. Service providers, although most often more less expansive in scope, are also trying to provide more global coverage. Global service coverage is in large demand, especially from businessmen who frequently travel. Linda Stern suggests in Newsweek to global travelers that they should “buy your phone and service from T-Mobile, AT&T or Cingular, the only three U.S. companies to use the internationally dominant GSM (Global System for Mobile communication).” Depending on the service provider, one may or may not get coverage in other countries. For example, Verizon customers enjoy phones that work in Latin America, while Cingular customers have coverage in Europe. Even better is AT&T Wireless, which offers “vast international coverage” or TMobile, another international carrier (Stern). Service coverage varies greatly by carrier, with some reaching many countries and others only small portions of a single country. Part of the reason for the absence of a truly global cellular company is because it is difficult for companies to keep up with the changing trends across the world, as consumers in different parts of the world demand different technologies and products.
... Dorian converses with Lord Henry, and takes everything that Lord Henry said seriously, even though not everything that Lord Henry said was right.
Imagine if nobody had a cellphone in today’s world. That’s why today everybody has some form of a cellphone contract with the four major companies (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon or T-Mobile) or a less know cellphone provider. AT&T and Verizon Wireless provide more than the other two major companies.
Animals can learn interesting and complex behaviors through the means of conditioning and other training methods. The two types of conditioning are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Conditioning incorporates both reinforcement and punishment. Reinforcement will increase the likelihood or a behavior, where punishment, and extinction will decrease it. Lee and Belfiore stated that “reinforcement is one of the most misused and misunderstood terms in the analysis of behavior” (1997). Along with these types of conditioning are other factors that help one train an organism. Habituation, magazine training, shaping, and different schedules of reinforcement help one reach the desired behavior. All these factors are part of training an organism to reach a desired behavior.
Skinner argues that ‘learning is accelerated by reinforcement: a stimulus that increases the probability of a response’ called ‘operant conditioning’ and it is not reliant on what triggered the response but...
Mobile is the first order priority device for access because people are connecting with others, finding entertainment, and doing business—all with smart phones. The prices of mobile phones are never over $1,000 in today’s world. They are affordable and accessible. As the result of the changes the worldwide and national business environment has undergone, people own 1-2 cell phones on average. However, the mobile markets in US seems to have been saturated.
...ving the wherewithal to maintain our lifestyle will be difficult to achieve if this strategy fails. From a professional standpoint, I have had a certain level of success as a retail executive for the past 37 years, and have built a reputation that I do not want sullied through an association with a company that fails. The mattress industry in America has contracted as consumers have suffered through these difficult economic times and will continue to face more changes in the global environment and changes in the task environment. The enterprises that remain stuck in the middle, stick to the “old ways”, react to these changes too late will likely go the way of Two Guys, Kobackers, Woolworth’s, Montgomery Ward, Circuit City, Studebaker, and too many other businesses that failed to move their organizations through the economic mine fields that confronted them.
Learning can be quantified through observable behaviour and is adaptive to a creature’s specific environment at an individual level rather than species level. Behaviour can be broken down into two main categories, respondent behaviour, which is impacted by events that preceded it and operant behaviour, which is behaviour that is influenced by events that follow it. Behaviour can be analysed using a three term contingency of ABC. A is the antecedent, which can increase or decrease a behaviour depending on what is desired, B is the observed behaviour and C is the consequence of that behaviour, certain consequences increase behaviour whilst some decrease it. There are many different ways we learn behaviour and many different types of conditioning. Operant conditioning influences operant behaviour and uses the principles of positive and negative reinforcement and punishment to strengthen desired behaviours whereas instrumental conditioning involves making a response that is instrumental, it is an activity that is voluntary which elicits a consequence. A third type of conditioning is classical conditioning, which can be defined as an association being made between one stimulus and another, resulting in a relationship. For the purpose of this essay, classical conditioning will be the focus.
Psychologists have preformed many studies and proposed many theories regarding learning. Learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior that is due to past experience.
Telecommunications gained mainstream attention in the early 90’s; however the initial key market was business men and women, who used their phones whilst being on the move and so allowing them to communicate with their companies with ease. Though in the modern era, telecommunication went through segmentation in the market trends, and now in this day and age it would be difficult to find someone who does not own some form of mobile technology. Many phone providers battle to provide the best service for their customers (Figure 1).
Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray presents a keen question on morality: can one cleanse the senses by the means of the soul, and the soul by the means of the senses? Dorian Gray lives out this epigram of Lord Henry’s in an attempt to justify a life of hedonism and over-objectification of beauty.
As we continue into the twenty-first century, one has to consider the importance of technology and its ever-growing influence in today’s world. Technology has allowed us to eliminate the physical boundaries of geography and create a space where data can be relayed throughout the world in a blink of an eye. In other words, communication has become part of a daily necessity. The use of cellular phones has grown exponentially since it was first made available to the public in 1984, when they were still large, bulky, and expensive. Today, almost everywhere you go, everybody has a cell phone. Sizes, shapes, and features vary, but they grow smaller and faster every year. It is not just the technology of phones that one must analyze, but the mobile service that is provided as well. In the United States, we have three major existing wireless service providers: AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, and T-Mobile. These carriers sell their service along with phones that are manufactured by Motorola, LG, Nokia, Blackberry, Apple, Samsung, and many more. We will focus on Verizon Wireless and how they utilize technology. We will also address the role of management, real estate, and future endeavors that lie ahead.
Lord Henry’s corruption of Dorian begins when he prophetically states to Dorian that “there is no such thing as a good influence…all influence is immoral” (Wilde, 18). From this poi...
B. F. Skinner, the most well-known American Psychologist who was the top exponent of the school of psychology that was known as behaviorism, preserved the impression that learning is an end result of change in evident behavior. The changes in behavior are determined by the way individuals reply to stimuli (events) in the environment. B.F. Skinner defined this phenomenon as operant conditioning. Operant conditioning means changing of behavior by the use of reinforcement which is given after the desired response (McLeod, 2007). This
The reason behind the Dorian 's degradation is never explicitly mentioned in Wilde 's novel, which begs the question of whether literature has the ability to degrade a person. The influence of literature has the potential to corrupt one 's mind, but whether it does is dependant on the state of the reader. Wilde demonstrates this point to counter claims that art, including, literature can be regarded as corruptive.
This essay will consist of a discussion on behaviour theories and how behaviour has a connection to learning. Behaviourism has three main theories namely, classical conditioning, operate conditioning and observational conditioning, furthermore learning occurs after the behaviour has taken place. Behaviourism emphasizes on the role of environmental factors which results in influencing the behaviour. This essentially results to focusing on learning, as we learn and experiment, this causes an alteration in the way the environment is perceived, also in the way we interpret the incoming stimuli, and therefore how we choose to interact, or behave. Learning may be learned through classical or operant conditioning.