The Book Of Ruth By Sarojini Nadar

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The book of Ruth is a female dominated story known for its traditional family values, female dynamics, and the restoration of social status. Although, let it be known that the book of Ruth varies in interpretation depending on one’s own social-location. Social-location is the identity of a person’s gender, race, social class, age, ability, sexuality, and geographical location. After examining A South African Indian Womanist Reading of the Character of Ruth, by Sarojini Nadar, I have learned the significance of the character Ruth for windows in India. Since Womanist is not a very common term, I think it is important to define it for the purpose of this paper. Sarojini Nadar explains “I use the term womanist in the title as opposed to feminist …show more content…

As a lower-middle- class, atheist, hispanic, woman who lives on her own (but with a roommate), can agree and disagree with some of the points made from the Sarojini Nadar reading. Unlike Nadar, I believe Ruth is submissive to Naomi. According to the “I am going to the fields to glean” section, Nadar states “ it is clear that Ruth is portrayed as a strong-willed, independent thinker; if a situation arose in which she could take care of her mother-in-law, then she would, whether her mother-in-law granted permission or not. Therefore, Ruth is not asking her mother-in-law whether she can go to the field; she is telling her that she is going,” (165). I think this is a stretch of an interpretation because the way I see it is that by asking Naomi if she should go could be taken as a sign of respect or a way to confirm their plan to seduce Boaz. Furthermore, in the same section, it states “Naomi told her to lie at Boaz’s feet and to wait for him to tell her what to do. Ruth doesn’t wait,” (168). My theory believes that the only reason why Ruth doesn’t follow through with Naomi’s plan is because Naomi wasn’t there watching her and Ruth’s action wasn’t to intentionally not listen to Naomi but rather found a better way to get Boaz’s attention. Plus afterwards in chapter 4, Ruth never speaks, she is only spoken about when she gives birth to the son she had with Boaz it states “The women of the neighborhood gave him a name, saying, ‘A son has been born to Naomi,’” (4:17). Since having a son is the ultimate prize I think Naomi won it over Ruth. On the other hand, I don’t think her submissive attitude dismisses she survivor quality. Ruth is very clever, resourceful, determined, daring, and caring character that took initived in choosing to provide and help her mother-in-law, while also helping

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