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Social Movements for civil rights
Malcolm x on the united states and the world
Malcolm X Martin Luther King
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The late 1960s and early 1970s and the 2010s were very different from each other in many ways. Those differences from different decades, centuries even, varying from the way that people talked, the way that people dressed, the way that people thought, and most importantly, the way that people acted on those thoughts. In the late 1960s to early 70s, the black power movement began to get a more extensive crowd than ever before. African American people began to realize that their voice would make a difference. In this time period the older African Americans looked up to and lived by the words of Martin Luther King Jr., an advocate for the black power movement, who sought equality for the people by peaceful, nonviolent protests. According to Stokely …show more content…
Carmichael in 1967, Dr. King was a “great man, full of compassion, full of mercy and very patient man” Stokely also stated that Dr. King’s policy was “Nonviolence would achieve the gains for a black people in the United States.” “His major nonassumption was that if you were nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart” “He only made one fallacious assumption, in order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience, the United States has none.” Now, in 2010 looking back at Martin Luther King Jr.’s ways, it shows that nonviolence did in fact work for the black power movement.
But, Dr. King began to switch up how he thought about the black power movement. He started to believe that militarism and racism were one and affected each other. Yet, at the same time that Dr. King was living and advocating the nonviolent protests of the black power movement, the younger African Americans looked up to and lived by the words of Malcolm X, an advocate of the Black Panther Party who sought equality by violence. Malcolm X saw that nonviolence was not an option, and this younger generation of African Americans weren’t as patient as Dr. King and sought equality as soon as possible, no matter what way they needed to use. These people saw violence as the only way to get the African American people to be equal with the white people. Malcolm X stated that “As long as a white man does
it, it’s alright. A black man is supposed to have no feelings, but when a black man strikes back, he is an extremist. He’s supposed to sit passively and have no feelings, be nonviolent, and love his enemy no matter what kind of attack be it verbal or otherwise, he is supposed to take it. But if he stands up and in any way tries to defend himself, [laughter] he is an extremist.” In 2010 Erykah Badu states “It is right to defend yourself against anything and anyone. No we don’t believe in violence, we don’t believe in killing, we don’t believe in harming or hurting, we weren’t the ones who inflicted pain and harm on people. We weren’t the ones who kidnapped a whole culture of people and brought them to do services for us. And because we stand and fight back and want...peace, we want to work with pride, love and live and grow with
Although laws were changing the people weren’t, African-Americans were still expected to follow the old rules and ways that society had lived by or they were killed.
Kwame Ture states that, “Black Power can be clearly defined for those who do not attach the fears of white American to their questions.” Black Power Movement marked a turning point in black and white relations in the United States and how Kwame Ture and other blacks saw themselves. During 1950s-1960s, Civil rights leader Kwame Ture and others contribute to the Black Power Movement.
In the letter, “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr, and the speech, “The Ballot or the Bullet” by Malcolm X, the authors discuss their very different viewpoints on what form of freedom would it take to accomplished their goal. While King believes that peaceful approaches would allow the black community to achieve equality with the white Americans, Malcolm X thinks achieving equality with white Americans is nearly impossible; therefore, he preaches a separatist doctrine. Although King and X are both fighting for the black community’s rights and their integration into the nation’s system, their approaches differ significantly. King and X differ in three main areas: their ultimate goals, the strategies to accomplish those goals, and their use of rhetoric.
Harper, Frederick D. “The Influence of Malcolm X on Black Militancy.” Journal of Black Studies 1 (June 1971): 387-402.
...actions on the part of Black activists empowered a generation to struggle for their most basic civil rights.
In order to make a case that the Black Power Movement was a logical extension of the African American freedom struggle based on the longstanding African American strategies and goals for change, it is important to look at the longstanding strategies and goals, and compare them to the Black Power movement, using the examples of strategies taken by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO) in Alabama. Knowing this, it can be determine whether the Black Power movement built upon those strategies, or went against them. There are several noteworthy strategies used in this comparison. The names of these strategies are based off of the people who are synonymous with them. They comparisons are as follows: W.E.B DuBois’ Talented Tenth Plan, Booker T. Washington’s “Cast down your bucket” Plan, Thurgood Marshall’s Legal Campaign, and Dr. Martian Luther King Jr.’s Non-Violence Movement. In addition to determining whether or not the Black Power movement utilized these strategies, it is equally imperative to ask, assuming that the movement went against these strategies, if it was practical or logical, given the circumstances faced by SNCC and the LCFO, not to implement them.
“I don’t even call it violence when it’s in self defense; I call it intelligence.” were once words spoken from a man greatly known in the African American community. This man was Malcolm X. An expressive public speaker, with a charismatic personality, and an untiring organizer, Malcolm X expressed the pent up anger, frustration, and bitterness of African Americans during the major phase of the civil rights movement from 1955 to 1965. Malcolm X spoke of a violent revolution, which would bring about radical change for the black race, while a man with the name of Martin Luther King Jr. spoke out to all people. Martin Luther King Jr. promoted non-violence, civil rights, and the end to racial segregation, while Malcolm X dreamed of a separate nation for African Americans. Malcolm’s keen intellect, sharp wit, and passionate radicalism are clear in The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley. However Things such as his personality, his career and the impact that he’s had on history may have changed if certain key events in his life had been different.
Before the civil rights movement gained momentum around 1955, the African-American community was looked upon by many as a group of second-class citizens who were undeserving of rights enjoyed by white Americans. This started to change when men like Malcolm Little (Malcolm X) stood up for the cause and fought back against segregation. He was a man from humble beginnings and who dealt with racism and hatred from a young age, all of which shaped his activism. Malcolm, after his death, was recognized as one of the most important people of the 20th century by TIME Magazine. He watched from a young age as white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) terrorized African-Americans by lynching and torturing them because of their skin color (“Malcolm X”). This among many other racists acts witnessed by Malcolm shaped his philosophical and political views. Malcolm was a controversial figure because he initially supported a violent revolution against whites, but he had many supporters in the African-American community. One of them was Manning Marable, who wrote a biography about Malcolm, Malcolm X: A Life of Reinvention, in 2011. This book brings Malcolm’s story to life through research of his experiences and interviews with his close family and friends. Michiko Kakutani, a New York Times book critic, emphasizes in her review that though the biography is not as intense in details and philosophical views as is Malcolm X’s own autobiography, Marable “manages to situate Malcolm X within the context of 20th-century racial politics in America without losing focus on his...
After putting up with political discrimination for decades, many African Americans were willing to “raise the terrible weapon of self-defense.” (The New Negro) Although they should have received equality promised to them after the Civil War, they were left empty handed and instead struggle against biased laws. Their demand for political progress itself is a step forward because white people supporting political equality were uncommon and groups such as the Ku Klux Klan intimidated them out of doing it. Their peaceful protests, and reasonable pleas were often overlooked and ignored. With their demands neglected and scoffed at they wanted to prove they were serious. By refusing to accept their problems forcefully they would not be thought of as bluffing. The problem with this is that even though there were African Americans demanding it, they were a minority and many white people did not want to help them because they benefitted from it and racism was still rampant. One evidence of white people benefitting from racism was when Wining Boy tells a story of how after an African American buys land with berries growing, the former white owner would “go and fix it with the law
In the 1960s it was a hard time for black Americans. There was a revolution being driven by two well know black civil rights leaders. The first phase of the revolution was driven by a young Islamic black man, Malcolm X, who was a spokesperson for the Nation of Islam. Malcolm X was adamant that blacks needed to take care of their own business. In the issue of black integration in American culture. Malcolm X had the ability to reach any one member of the black nation in America. This revolution was cut short on a sad day in February of 1965, when Malcolm X was assassinated. This left a void in the hearts of the people who he had touched upon in his revolt. This was where things began to get funky.
...d and oxford. He started to criticize the mainstream civil rights movement; he challenged Martin Luther King jr’s nonviolence and civil disobedience. Malcolm X started to propose that more was at risk than voting and restaurants (Carson, Clayborne). Malcolm x advised his followers to defend themselves “by any means necessary.”(Lawrence A., Mamiya). Malcolm X encouraged everyone to stop using terms like “nigger” and “colored” to instead use “black” or “African American” (Lewis, Thomas Tandy).
Malcolm X was a very influential leader during the Civil Rights Era, but he didn’t always have a positive outlook on how White Americans treated African Americans. Malcolm X was a prominent figure during the civil rights era and he wasn’t for integration and peace as other Civil Rights leaders of this time. In fact Malcolm X advocated and suggested an establishment of a separate black community, rather than integration and he provoked and influenced the Panthers to use violence as self defense, rather than non violence and trying to make peace, Malcolm and the Panthers uncompromising and disgusting beliefs of the evil of the white man scared and made the white man frightened the white community. Malcolm and the panthers had a good and bad affect on the Civil Rights era, him and the panthers used violence, criminal activity and anti-racism to get their points across which had a toll on the civil rights movement.
The social movement is a term that was to bring about a change in certain social institutions or to create an entirely new order. The 1960’s and 1970’s saw the emergence of three Social Movements of National Minorities in the United States. The Social Movements that was brought to my attention was the black power movement. The black power movement grew out of the civil rights movement that gain momentum through the 1950s and 1960s. It was an event that took apart in society and culture was being transformed in the united states and its legacy reflects that complexity.
The Black Power Movement was popularised by student Stockley Carmichael formerly member of the Student Non-violence Committee. The movement lasted from the 1960-70s and grew in popularity over the years. The movement had countless different goals as there were many groups and individuals apart of the movement. But all groups shared the beliefs that a non-violent movement would not work and that it wasn’t about equality it was about equal power. Groups and individuals such as the nation of Islam, the Black Panther Party and Malcom X were able to create change but, not able to achieve their goals by utilising violence.