The Big Short Movie Essay

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The Big Short, a movie based on true events, is about the people in the financial sector that figured out that there would be collapse in the housing market within the next few years and how they capitalized on this information for their own personal gain. The movie reflects on how financiers exploited the rights ethic of people by not disclosing the actual value and returns to the consumer, if the ends justified the means, ignoring professional responsibility and intuition ethic for financial gain.
Michael Burry, a specialist in wall street and good in numbers, foresaw that the home loans sector was on the verge of failure within a few years when homeowners would start defaulting and since he had the rights to use the funds of his company, he started betting against the housing market by suing more than $1 billion of his investors money into credit default swaps. Burry, along with other investors cashed in on the investments when the financial crisis hit the economic sector in the United States.
The movie, The Big Short, came out in 2015 and was made based on true events in the book by Michael Lewis, 2010. One good thing about the …show more content…

He was the main brain behind starting the bets against subprime home loans as he figured out that the housing market was going down within a few years and wanted to make a profit for him and the organization. With this idea in mind to get the plan rolling forward, he involved several financial institutions and banks, showing there would be a large profit for them as well, while assuring the public that the housing market was anything but vulnerable. Another banker Jared Vennett and hedge fund specialist Steve Eisman (Mark Baum in the movie), besides other opportunists who took advantage of the financial crisis and made huge profits. They bought insurances and paid premium on it knowing that once the housing market crashes, they would get a high return on

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