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Assignment on personal reflection of the big five personality test
Assignment on personal reflection of the big five personality test
Big five personality test criticism
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Recently I concluded “The Big Five Personality Test” in order to examine my personality traits and my ability to work in a team. This report will study how each individual trait influences my ability to and how I work in teams. The test examined five key traits; Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. The test has provided me with percentiles for each trait which identifies my personality.
Openness to Experience
Here I had a score of 0. Low scores tend to indicate that I am conventional, have narrow interests, down to earth and am uncreative. This illustrates that I prefer traditional and familiar experiences. As I am low in openness to experience it tends to mean that I enjoy following routines,
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This implies that I am extremely outgoing, social and energetic. “According to its definition, an extravert is high on sociability, talkativeness, energy and assertiveness”. As a result of me being an extravert, it will affect my ability to work in teams. This implies that I am a participative team member and am able to communicate effectively due to my social and talkative nature. Overall, I contribute to the team process in a confident manner. As a result of my confident manner and social personality, when working in teams, I have the ability to confront the team about ideas, issues and other decisions which need to be addressed. E.g. Campaign ideas. Therefore, I could be considered a leader of a team. I will almost always apply my knowledge, learning and experience to enrich the teams output as a whole. However, being an extravert does mean that I can be assertive and have the desire to be in full control of the team. Thus, this can affect relationships with other team members as I can be quite controlling over decisions, such as an advertising campaign. With my social interaction and leading capabilities I have the ability to influence the team to work productively and achieve good …show more content…
For this, I had a low score of 44. Therefore, I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. I can be considered critical, rude and harsh in team situations. In terms of the relation to teamwork, agreeableness is a definite plus. Cooperative individuals are ideal in many team situations since they are capable of handling collaborative work where all team members must get along, have meetings, interact, share information and be supportive when arriving to make decisions. With my low score of 44, means I tend to disagree with a lot of team decisions and approach team meetings with a critical, rude and harsh nature. Thus, some may find me hard to work with if making decisions jointly, is key for the success of the team. If a mistake is made by another team member, which affects the performance of my individual work or just general team performance, I tend to not a have a very forgiving nature and approach this issue harshly, without being sympathetic to their
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important for our future decisions.
After taking this personality test I could not decide if I felt that my results were accurate about me or not. The personality test resulted in describing me as an extravert, intuitive, feeling, and judging (Humanmetrics,
My score on extraversion was 22, low again compared to the norm. For this trait, I agreed with my results at first, but after some thinking I realized although I am introverted, I do behave extravertly sometimes. In general, I prefer working alone, staying indoors, and I don’t like being around a lot of people. For example, when given a group project, I’d prefer working on my own. Yet most of the time, I end up being the group leader because I get along well with people and am usually optimistic. Basically, I prefer settings with less people, but I can mingle well with strangers at parties or functions. Most of my friends and myself included, would say I am extraverted because I make friends easily and am usually very happy and cheerful. But that is only partially true because I do behave differently depending on the situation and my role as a friend, student, employee, etc. Therefore, I don’t agree with my results overall. Considering I show both introversion and extroversion, I think my results should have been within average compared to the
five factor theory is a fairly recent proposal and has its basis in earlier work,
I found the results of my self-assessments to be a very insightful and accurate description of myself. The results of the learning styles test and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter II are very valuable for examining my personality traits and learning style and making improvements as needed.
“The Big Five Trait Theory” is based on the five broad dimensions of one’s personality which according to Jason Rentfrow (PH. D) was “uncovered” after “decades of research on personality.”
Openness, the first area of the personality test, is described as a person’s ability to think in abstract, complex ways. In this section, I scored a 70% which means that I am moderately open to experience. People who are creative, intellectual and adventurous tend to score higher, whereas people who are dull, practical and more concretely focused tend to score lower. Since I scored moderately, I fall in between both
Personality is massive part of an individual’s identity. Our personalities dictate our patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. An individual’s personality exposes them to predispositions and habits that influence their actions and lives. Early on, personality assessments consisted of physical features ranging from head shape and facial characteristics to body type. In today’s world, personality assessments are mainly based around traits. Traits are simply descriptions of one’s habitual patterns of behavior, thought and emotion. The most popular personality assessment is the Five-Factor Model, also known as The Big Five. This model allows us to describe people based on the five main traits/dimensions. These traits are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. Each of these five traits measures a different aspect of one’s personality. Extraversion is based on one’s level of engagement with the world,
4) With Agreeableness I ranked at 83% with the description of good-natured, courteous and supportive. Being my agreeable self, I agree with this assessment. I have a natural affinity for empathy and sympathizing with others. 5) In Neuroticism I ranked at 37% - generally relaxed. This is also accurate. I would probably rank lower if it weren’t for being a worry wart, which is linked to my high conscientiousness. People often comment on how easy-going I am, but if they could see what goes on underneath th...
Under this model, personality is comprised of the five main traits of: conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness to experience and extraversion, also collectively known by the acronym CANOE (Costa & McCrae, 2003, pp. 185-201). According to Schacter, Gilbert and Wegner (Schacter et al., 2011, pp. 474-475) these personality traits are consistently recognisable across a wide range of people, even those of varying ages and cultures. Additionally, many studies such as Digman (1990, pp. 417-440) have indicated correlations between personality and job performance which also demonstrate that individuals with a certain personality score tend to achieve higher rates of success in the workplace. For example, conscientiousness is widely regarded to increase job performance, due to it resulting in employees with high conscientiousness in having a tendency to be organized and dependable (Digman, 1990, pp. 417-440). Similar traits providing positive attributes are: extraversion, due to the leadership ability it provides, and agreeableness, which usually characterises enhanced teamwork and working in group environments. (Judge, 2002). Therefore, the Big Five personality traits not only have a profound impact on an individual’s workplace tendencies, the
Overall, I agree with the outcome of the Big Five Personality Test. I agree that I am slightly conscientious. I am very well organized when I take the time to be, however, I usually have more pressing priorities. However, even when I don’t take the time to be very well organized, I am never disorganized. I also agree that I am more introverted and prefer to spend quiet time alone. This allows me to rest and reflect on my thoughts and experiences. For me, being alone allows for deeper, more profound insights and thoughts.
For the Openness to Experience/Intellect, my score indicated that I prefer traditional and familiar experiences. While that may be true, it also indicated that I was uncreative and had narrow interest. I think I am a very creative person, because some In allowing them to have a voice, they will be able to offer feedback or contributions (positive or negative) that can be instrumental in some decision making. I will set the example by being a good role model, so that they will not only hear what they are expected to do, but also see.
I scored on high on extraversion on the Big Five Personality Test assessment. I remain extremely comfortable with other individuals, thus I agree with this. Additionally, I entirely at ease being myself, as well, for example, reading and working on my laptop. The assessment that specifies that when I feel blue, I will seek other individuals. I can problem-solve on my own: therefore, I can self-soothe in the misfortune. On the Five Factor Model of personality, I scored high extraversion, agreeableness, high on conscientiousness, and I tend to agree since I am meticulous about responsibility. I scored low on neuroticism; therefore, I am extremely laid back and can problem-solve easily without suffering from any level of
An individual’s personality is the basis of who they are and generates how they react to and behave in different situations. Personality testing is used in workplaces to identify whom to hire, promote and even put into teams. Personality testing is efficient in being able to determine which employees will perform best in certain roles, and this can remove some stress from employers. Personal testing has been shown to help improve the quality of employees who are in the workplace. The method of assessing personalities that will be examined in this essay is the Big Five taxonomy method. The two main questionnaires, which are used to determine these traits, are the Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) Questionnaire and the NEO personality test. A participant’s results from a personality survey will be analysed to determine what their results mean for current and future workplace behaviour. Finally, this essay will review a case study and it will be explained why personality testing should be used in the workplace and what other work contexts these tests can take place in.
Extraversion is the number and density of interpersonal interaction, the need for stimulus and the ability to get pleasure (Morris and Feldman 1996). This dimension contrast social, active, individual orientation of individual with silent, serious, shy and quiet person. This area can be measured by two qualities: the involvement of the interpersonal level and energy level. The assessment of the former, extent of the individual likes others accompany, while the latter reflects the rhythm and energy levels of the individual. Outgoing people like to contact with others, full of vitality, often feel positive emotions. They are enthusiastic, like sports, like exciting adventures. In a group, they are very talkative, confident, like