The Betrayal Of The American Woman Summary

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The articles I have chosen to compare come from Set 5 Gender Inequality and Issues in Sexual Orientation. They are, “The Betrayal of the American Man” by Susan Faludi (Charon #24), and “Selling Women Short” by Louise Marie Roth (Charon #23).
What is the problem?
In Susan Faludi’s article, “The Betrayal of the American Man”, she describes the main problem as being the masculinity of the American man today. There is this stereotype that has been developed through the centuries that the male has to be in charge of everyone and everything in order to really be a man. To be masculine we have this idea of being the best at everything, being the breadwinner for the family, be stronger than our ladies. Holding men to this unrealistic expectation is damaging to both men and women, as roles, such as head of house, bread winner, and masters of their fates, as well as being responsible for the families, are straining the relationship between the man and the women in American households. The value being challenged in this article, is the man and women’s place in the home. As we modernize our views of …show more content…

She talks of how the ideal worker in today’s society is a single male willing to work long hours and have little responsibility outside their jobs. This leaves little room for women, especially single parents with a dependent. They cannot give the hours and devotion to their jobs, when they have a child to take care of. The males willing to work long hours are more likely to receive payment raises and promotional opportunities. While there are a few women who are still successful, and attain higher levels within their jobs, the majority don’t get the jobs that single men do. The value of women in the workplace is being threatened as they don’t receive the same level of opportunities as their male

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