The Benefits Of Tablets

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Should they have iPads, tablets, and nooks in the classroom? Are they too young? Will they break them? Are they educationally appropriate? These are a few of the questions and answers that teachers and educators want in order to have their children/students’ progress in the twenty-first century classroom. In California it is becoming popularized, “In September, the Los Angeles Unified School District began carrying out a $50 million plan to equip 30,000 students in 47 schools from kindergarten through 12th grade with an iPad. Giving kid’s iPads sounds like installing candy machines on every desk, or worse, Xboxes. The educators naturally disagree. They spent $678 per iPad, loading them up with software from the Pearson (PSO) educational group and locking them down so that students couldn’t wander around the Internet unchaperoned.”(Bloomberg, 2014) Tablets have great educational benefits when used correctly. Tablets can offer educational resources such as educational apps, Microsoft office, and etc. While these are beneficial there is controversy under whether or not they should be used. Their concerns are that the students will break the merchandise, they are not old enough to be responsible for it, what if the student comes for a low socioeconomic status they will not be able to afford it-How will the school accommodate for those students? The list goes on. A lot of teachers are not comfortable with the change from the standard didactic teaching style to the new twenty-first classroom techno-savvy classroom. One of the concerns of students having tablets in the classroom is that the younger students are not responsible enough to maintain the merchandise. There are two options that could solve that issue. For the first option, t... ... middle of paper ... ... versus electronic books that are accessed on tablets. In conclusion there are many pros and cons of having tablets in the classroom. The pros include eliminating the need for textbooks, it can teach the primary students about technology early, and it is a new innovative way to assist teaching. The cons against tablets in the classroom are that they are pricey and there is low funding in the schools where the student’s families cannot afford them. Also, the primary students have short attention span and without the proper monitoring the tablets can be distracting. “It’s plausible, and even probable, that at some point iPads will be the standard in the classrooms. While there are still definite cons to the approach, they aren’t anything that can’t be dealt with, and the pros weigh heavy in favor of the switch to a tablet-based learning experience.” (Aubrey, 2012).

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