The Benefits Of Plankton

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In the world, there are many animals, both terrestrial and aquatic animals that we know and never know before. Plankton is the one organism that we have probably ever heard its reputation. Someone may know plankton is midget living thing in the sea and as food for animals. It was the best meal of life on the water. Moreover, its dwelling is completely place and a center of the most fishes and plantings. Although people would think the plankton is only food for sea animals but it can be useful to people for take care of various organs in the body and will be creating beauty cosmetics for woman, and human should be aware about ecosystem services to maintain plankton. Plankton are organisms in the ocean that drift with the currents. This includes phytoplankton and zooplankton. Phytoplankton are plant plankton or some are bacteria that they contain chlorophyll and want sunlight in order to grow and live. It lives in watery environments both salty and fresh. Some phytoplankton can improve nitrogen and can grow in low concentrations nitrate areas. Phytoplankton are most important to the ecosystem because it is a food …show more content…

Plankton that people perceived as dirty bacteria but became the best face cream. Phytoplankton can eliminate toxins from your skin. It is also rich in vitamins, antioxidants that fight free radicals. It can take dead skin cells out form you. So the cosmeceuticals bring phytoplankton used as an ingredient in cosmetics. Baiotherm brand use life plankton in a part of their product. They used it that has a micro-organism with extraordinary regenerative properties to produce a serum for the face at the highest concentration 8 patents. This serum is cosmetic water use for surface that can be absorbed immediately. This product can treat inflammation, rashes and allergies on skin. We are cognizant of the fresh skin when we begin use it to 8 days. This results from the testing of 53 women who use this

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