The Benefits Of Hydroponics

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Hydroponics are the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil. Hydroponics are mainly growing soil based plants in water. There are several different types of hydroponics, such as wick systems, deep water culture, NFT, Ebb and Flow, Areoponics, and drip systems. An excellent example of hydroponics is the deep water culture which was used or our hydroponics unit. The process was brought to popular attention in the United States in 1937 by Dr. W. F. Gericke, who introduced the word "hydroponic" (from the Greek words for "water" and "work") and publicly displayed immense tomato plants cultivated by this method ( Hydroponics are very beneficial to our ecosystems because hydroponics …show more content…

“According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations’ global hunger data, more than 10% – about 800 million people – are undernourished and do not have enough food to lead healthy, active lives (Farmers Weekly). Global food shortages are a day to day issue that all organisms on Earth suffers. Biofuels are a huge part of global food shortages because it is made from the oils of plants which could be converted into food. Biofuels are produced from plants that are burned in furnaces or diesel engines. The the oil from those burned plants is mixed with petroleum, furthermore this process creates biofuels. Biofuels mainly consist of corn which could be used as food instead. Farming techniques are very important to the food shortages too. Without proper farming techniques crops wouldn’t be growing as well as the plants are today. Hydroponics can help this …show more content…

Hydroponics do not involve soil, instead the process involves water to grow the plant quicker and more effectively. Traditionally, to grow a crop for food you must live near the countryside or other rural areas. Hydroponics allow you to grow food anywhere as long as you have water. Easily hydroponics are an ideal source for producing food. “Although current food production systems are moving in the right direction, they will be unsustainable in the long-run.” -farmers weekly. It is very imperative scientist keep coming up with new hydroponics systems such as the deep water culture, to keep food coming and planting continuing. Available areas of farmland suitable for crop production are declining at tremendous rates, but hydroponics can help because the process allows the plants to be easily adapted to urban or rural

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