The Benefits Of Humane Slaughter

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The automatic doors rush to open and suck customers into the the vast grocery store. Colors from fruits, vegetables and packaged products radiate from each direction, attracting the hungry stomachs that have arrived. Picking up items off your grocery list while reading each label, making sure it’s the healthiest one. But what’s not on that 4 by 4 inch label? The truth. For example, the chicken you just grabbed for dinner. That chicken being put into a dark compact area till it can’t walk anymore due to being forced to eat corn instead of grass and seeds. Then being sent in to get slaughtered and packaged by illegal workers hands in mass production. To where you see it, a perfect concealed package that reads “100% all natural.” So why …show more content…

Once consumers are exposed to reality, they feel immediate guilt. But supporting evidence shines light on the truth. The harsh reality of the in captivity of hundreds of animals plagued by abundance of excessive amounts of feces and bacteria lies on our plates for each meal. These animals face “humane slaughter” under United States regulations. According to Sarah McColl, who specializes in humane slaughter, “In short, “humane slaughter” means that farmed animals are supposed to be “stunned” (rendered unconscious or insensible to pain) before their throats are slit” (McColl). Animals are given no respect under the laws and are being slaughtered conscious, also proven through “Federal inspectors have gone on record stating that, due to inspection loopholes developed in collusion with the meat industry, they are virtually powerless to enforce humane slaughter laws” (McColl). Huge meat corporations such as Tyson, Cargill, JBS and National Beef all purposely try to avoid the truth to what they are doing by preventing footage of their farms to be leaked to the …show more content…


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