The Benefits Of Glycerin

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I. Summary/Introduction
In this research paper I will be discussing the non-professional subject matter of Glycerin. The point of writing this paper is to inform on the current issue of glycerin. There are many several reasons that a supplement will work or may not work, and the main cause for this paper is to go over the controversy pertained. According to the article The Benefits of Glycerin, Glycerin is a thick, colorless liquid made from fats and oil used in making soaps (Singleton, 2016).
This topic could be considered controversial due to the certain accusations that are made, and what the ingredient is supposedly used for. In the video about herbs and supplements, it discusses what some herbs and supplements are used for and how they …show more content…

It was hard to look up the information on her, but of what I have found, she is not related to nutrition in any sort. She is a writer for different articles, and magazines. She has a degree in musicology. The next author I used and article from was Macaela Mackenzie. She is known as a freelance journalist. The article explains that she is a feminist and loves fashion. She does not have anything to do with science or nutrition. I think that Bonnie Singleton’s article was full of helpful information about glycerin, and Macaela Mackenzie’s was too considering she explained much about moisturizer and what glycerin does in the role of using …show more content…

I have learned that it can be used for moisturizing the skin, sex, and many other ideas. I would think that this ingredient can be useful, but it also seems as if it causes more problems than helping any of the issues people can experience. I believe that if this is going to give serious and unnecessary side effects than it would not be so worth it to include in products. Also, there was one part of an article that said how glycerin beverages can help people when they are running to prevent dehydration. In the article from Mercola, it says that one of the side effects from glycerin is excessive thirst ( I felt a tossup between what the truth is on that, since you should not be excessively thirsty if the glycerin is supposed to help

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