The Belief of Reincarnation

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Paranormal is defined as the denoting of events or phenomena that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. Scientists, researchers, and analysts have and are still trying to find logical solutions for unnatural things occurring. Parapsychology is a subject that sparks the interests of people all over the world and accurate analysis of it is yet to be found. Parapsychological Association (2011) says, “Parapsychology is the scientific and scholarly study of three kinds of unusual events (ESP, mind-matter interaction, and survival), which are associated with human experience…The existence of these phenomena suggests the strict subjective/objective dichotomy proposed by the old paradigm may not be quite as clear-cut as once thought” (Association, 2011). Paranormal activity is difficult to explain with current scientific knowledge therefore it is called “anomalous” (Association, 2011).
The levels of paranormal activity range from haunted houses to demon possessions to the undead and the list goes on as the variety of the activity gets more unexplainable. “For more than a century, it's mission has been to explore extraordinary or as yet unexplained phenomena that have been called psychic or paranormal, and their implications for our understanding of consciousness, the universe and the nature of existence” (About the Society, 2009). Unbelievable human experiences question the existence of unnatural beings or a pleasant or not so pleasant afterlife. All paranormal activity is not full of horror, for some actually give people hope of something great that is outside of this world.
Reincarnation is the belief of a spirit or soul entering a new form of life after death. The belief of reincarnation is based on the person’s sp...

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