Vampire Sightings

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Paranormal itself means denoting events or phenomena such as telekinesis or clairvoyance that are beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding. Telekinesis means to move objects by mental power. According to (Broad, 1953) “Paranormal phenomena are defined as those that, if genuine, would violate basic limiting principles of science.” Paranormal Activity can basically be described as pseudoscience. It is something that is outside of science, which extraordinary events occur such as objects moving, ghost, or poltergeist. To clear up the last sentence, a poltergeist is a ghost or other supernatural being supposedly responsible for physical disturbances such as loud noises and objects thrown around. I am going to be talking vampires. A vampire that everyone knows of is Dracula. Vampire bodies are somewhat similar to humans. Chemicals in the brain that helps us get up in the morning with the light from the sun are reserved in vampires. All vampires have powerful organs. Sight, hearing and smelling are all powerful in vampires. According to (Pecos), “In vampires, the iris in each eye becomes hyper dilated, which gives them excellent night vision” (2014). Vampire teeth go through rapid growth. Their teeth have sharp fangs which make it easier to feed. Skin on a vampire is pale (Pecos, 2014). The muscular and skeleton system on a vampire gives them a bigger advantage. The muscles are 90% of vampire is of the fast-twitch variety. Then their skeleton system thickens. Vampire body temperature also differs from humans. While human temperature is 98, a vampire temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Vampires do not age on a genetic level but their bones do tend to tear and they also tend to lose hair and muscle form. La...

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... be seen. Deeper research could have been done on vampires, not all information was put and more could have been included. The results probably would have been different. To sum this up, more research and more accounts are needed to prove vampires are real or non-real.

Works Cited

Jerome J. Tobacyk. (2004). A Revised Paranormal Belief Scale. The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies,, 94-98.
Pecos, H. (2014, May 5). The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency. Retrieved from The Science of Vampirism:
Byers, T. (2011, July 17). Real Vampire Stories. Retrieved from Hub Pages:
Marisol, Ny. (2010, January 20). Vampire Encounters in New York. Retrieved from The Freaky and The Strange:

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