The Art of Advertisement

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This study sought to address the issue of autobiographical advertising, and how advertisers play off of people’s emotions and memories through the art of advertisements. The purpose of this study was to see if using this form of advertising causes people to develop false memories about their past. This topic is important to study because it shows how advertisements can sometimes lead to the cause of people developing memories that actually never happened to them, which causes them to be able to relate to the advertisement better and become more interested in the product or place that is being advertised.
Advertisers play off consumer’s memories because it allows them to capture the consumer in a vulnerable state. The aim of this advertising is to have consumers focus more on the memories they had (or potentially made up) with the product instead of the rational information about the product. For example, Walt Disney celebrated the 25th anniversary of Disney World with an advertising campaign that had children swimming, shaking hands with Disney characters, and families enjoying themselves on theme park rides. While the aim of the campaign is unknown, it could have altered what past customers believed their time there to be, creating a false memory of their Disney World visit. Findings like the Disney ad have raised concern about how accurate memories that are discovered in hypnosis actually are.
Sigmund Freud believed that his patients had repressed traumatic childhood memories in their subconscious and believed it was necessary to understand his patient’s original childhood experiences in order to be able to understand their adult problems. Attachment occurs in childhood, and it is very important for understandin...

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...ider childhood? I know that at most restaurants the “kids” menu is for children 12 and under so is there anything significant about 10 and under memories or is that just a number the experimenters decided they would use? I believe that by addressing these questions the research would be a little more interesting. This article’s data indicates that autobiographical referencing can influence consumer’s memories, even making them remember things that never happened such as “false memories’. Autobiographical advertising allows the consumer to become personally involved with the message and allows for them to take a trip back down memory lane, usually an enjoyable trip. Though there were some limitations to this research, future research can be done to perfect the findings even more and know how closely related false memories and autobiographical ads are to one another.

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