The Art Of Quilting

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Art is all around us. Art is not just paintings and sculptures you see in museums. They include music, pottery bowls or personal creations. Different forms of art are created for everyday use, like a pattern on wallpaper or a study lamp for your desk. As you look around the room, it is on the walls, the clothes you are wearing, the computer screen that you are looking at and it affects every aspect of your life. It is sometimes overlooked. It expresses our thoughts, emotions, intuitions, and desires. It is also about sharing the way we experience the world, which for many is an extension of personality. One form of art that most people look over is quilting. Quilting is the process of sewing multiple layers of material together to form a …show more content…

When considering art work people see painting and sculptor however, her form of art work was totally different. Quilting is a form of art that most people look over in the industry. I also took into consideration her message behind her work of art which was tradition, African American heritage and freedom. Her most famous piece of art was “Tar Beach” which was chosen for my research. My first thought when looking at the quilt was of black history, faith, and hope for the future and family. It seems that the only way the family could escape from the problems in the world was to go on the roof top and gain peace. One significant thing I found out about this artwork was that it constructed from a book in which I read several times as child. Then to see it come alive in a quilt that focused on a new idea was very interesting. Seeing the piece for the first time made me feel warm and enriched. I felt that I could connect with the characters in the quilt already just because of the ethnicity and gender. Although, I felt that “Tar Beach” #2 the second creation of the piece did not express the same feels as the original piece. The background scenery of “Tar Beach” #2 takes away from the family and the message being expressed. One thing that is good about the second piece was that there seem to be more wealth and enlighten between the family and their

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