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Conflicts in the middle east
Arab israeli conflict overview
Arab israeli conflict overview
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The Arab-Israeli conflict is perhaps the most complex political issue of our time. Many have resorted to simply blaming one side or the other. If people took the time to understand the history and correct the misconceptions a potential path forward for the Palestinians comes in place. The main reason as to why the conflict continues is because both Palestinians and Israelis have been fighting over land for the past 66 years.
The initiation of the conflict began roughly when World War One broke out in 1914; up to this date there has not been any conflict between Jews and Palestinians. In the 1800’s Zionism came up in result of Europe’s anti-Semitism, which is the “hostility toward or prejudice against Jews or Judaism.” Zionists have the idea that “Jewish people should have a national home of their own preferably in the middle east.” The Jews lived in the middle east thousand of years ago and trace much of their heritage to Jerusalem so the Zionists felt that Jews should be able to return to this area and set up a national home. The Ottoman Empire was struggling leading up to World War One because of the vast competition they had from other major world powers such as the British Empire. It was during this war when the British issued a letter for support known as the Balfour Declaration, which advocated for a Jewish national home in Palestine.
After World War II the British gave Palestine to the United Nations, in 1947 the UN resolved to “partition the country into two states. Roughly 57% of Palestine would become a Jewish state while 43% was to be a Palestinian Arab state.” The Palestinians rejected the plan in support that the Arab league declared the partition illegal. There was a lot of violence in Palestine during this time...
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...iatives.” This led the Palestinians to lose international support.
Since 1967, numerous illegal Israeli settlements have been built on Palestinian land and the occupied territory, “housing more then 400,000 Jewish settlers.” Even since 1967, there has been a lot of divergence, unrest, bereavement, war and obliteration on both sides. There was a war in 1973 and two intifadas Palestinian uprising one that began in 1987 and one that began in 2000 that brings us into the 21st century. There have been many attempts in resolving conflicts however; the conflict is a matter of whether the Palestinians should be permitted to form their own independent country and government in an area that was once theirs yet now occupied and currently the nation of Israel. The Arab- Israeli conflict is historically a fuse that ignites regional battle due to the occupation of Palestine.
As soon as Jewish immigration increased, so did the tension between the two groups because each felt like they deserved the Palestine land. Zionism began early in the history of Judiasm and it was the movement for the Jews to establish a home in Palestine, and return to their holy land. During the Holocaust, six million Jews were killed and the deep-seeded hatre against them increased
Arabs from Palestine started the war in 1948, but the Jews were targets because of their
On November 29th, 1947, the United Nations passed Resolution 181 in favour of the partition of Palestine for the creation of an Israeli state. This resolution laid down a plan for the establishment of a Jewish state and an Arab state linked by mutual economies. Jerusalem, located in the heart of the country, was to be an international regime. This resolution was shortly passed after World War II, with the events of this war helping to strengthen the mindset and determination of the Jewish people fighting for their homeland and was in a way, pivotal to the movement. However, plans for a independent Jewish state was already in talks before World War II had even began.
Since the Arabs were living in Palestine when the Ottoman Empire control it. Since the Arabs defeated the Ottoman Empire with the help of from Germany, “Just short of 6 months the Palestinians were crushed, militarily and psychologically” (document 8) On the other hand, Israel grew beyond the partition lines, gained more defensible borders and they destroyed Arab homes reducing their population. The Palestinians rightly felt that the Israelis were taking over the area and were pushing out of lands promised to them in both the Balfour Declaration and the UN 1947 Partition.
According to Shlaim, the conflict begins during World War 1 when the British made various promises to both Jews and Arabs while simultaneously plotting with the French to divide all the territory into spheres of influence . The British assumed that Palestinians and Jews could leave peaceably in a single state, but Britain's obligation to the Jews could only be met at the expense of the Arab majority. The British carved up the territories under their mandate without regard for religious, ethnic, or linguistic composition of their inhabitants.
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted for a partition resolution that led to the establishment of the nation of Israel in May, 1948. This was great news for Jews in Palestine and the diaspora as it meant the fulfillment of the quest for the rebirth of their nation in their previous homeland after many years of wandering (Pappe, 2006, p. 12). However, their Palestinian Arab counterparts opposed to the establishment from the start felt cheated by the international community and remained categorical that the final answer to the Jewish problem would only be solved in blood and fire (Karsh, 2002, p. 8).
Zionism is a political organization that dated back in the Jewish and Judaism history; however, after 1897, Theodor Herzl is said to have redefined it the political Zionism, hence he is referred by historians as the father of political Zionism. From 1870 to 1897, the Hovevei Zion are said to have created the original 20 Jewish settlement in Palestine. Prior to the incident of the Holocaust, political Zionism main objective was to create a Jewish National Home along with a cultural center within Palestine, this was to assist in Jewish Migration; however, following the Holocaust, it changed its goals into formation of a Jewish State, with this objective being realized through the formation of Israel in 1948.
The partition plan for Palestine that was adopted by the UN in 1947 was disastrous; rather than solving the conflict, it exacerbated the problem. This partition plan created a massive refugee crisis, the loss of Palestinian Arab identity, ongoing war between Israel and the Arab states, and tremendous political instability in the Middle East. Essentially, the partition plan should have never been enacted. Instead, a plan which joined both sides in a common goal and allowed all parties to maintain political power should have been implemented. A modified version of the 1947 proposal for a federal solution would have decreased the future violence in the conflict because it would have balanced the power dynamics by giving both Palestinian Arabs and the Jewish
There is a relatively long history in Israel which is needed to know in order to begin to understand what is happening today. What Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza strip is today was called Palestine prior to 1948. They were part of the Ottoman Empire until near the end of World War One and were then occupied by Britain. The demographics in Palestine was 85% Muslim 9% Christian and 5% Jewish. The State of Israel was formed in May 14, 1948 after the end of the British Mandate. With the establishment of the State of Israel, as much as 170,000 Jewish displaced persons and refugees began streaming into the new sovereign state. On May 15, 1948 Israel was invaded by five Arab states and then began the War of Independence. The following year Armistice agreements were signed with Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. In 1967 Israel won the Six-Day War where Jerusalem and its holy sites came under Jewish control. In the 1979 Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty Isra...
Bourke, Dale Hanson. The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Tough Questions, Direct Answers. Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity, 2013. N. pag. Print.
Prior to and after WWI the world saw a rise in nationalistic sentiments. The Middle East was not immune to this new ideology. Although Arab Nationalism had a start in the Ottoman Empire, its rise among the masses did not begin until after WWI. While a total rise in Arab Nationalism became apparent on the Arabian Peninsula, a separate nationalist movement began in Palestine as a way to combat a unique and repressive situation. In Palestine the British mandate, along with British support, and the world's support for Zionist immigration into Palestine, caused a number of European Zionists to move into the country. These factors created an agitated atmosphere among Palestinians. Although there was more than one factor in creating a Palestinian-centered Arab Nationalism, the mounting Zionist immigration was among the most prevalent of forces.
The dispute over the territory called Palestine began relatively recently. Palestinian Arabs had lived as impoverished peasants under corrupt, continuous Ottoman rule for centuries ; political identification as a Palestinian within the broad current of Arab nationalism only...
Since the inception of an Israeli nation-state in 1948, violence and conflict has played a major role in Israel’s brief history. In the Sixty-One year’s Israel has been a recognized nation-state, they have fought in 6 interstate wars, 2 civil wars, and over 144 dyadic militarized interstate disputes (MIDs) with some display of military force against other states (Maoz 5). Israel has been involved in constant conflict throughout the past half century. Israel’s tension against other states within the Middle East has spurred vast economic, social, and political unity that has fostered a sense of nationalism and unity in Israel not seen in most other states. Over the next several pages I will try and dissect the reasons for why the nation state of Israel has been emerged in constant conflict and how this conflict has helped foster national unity and identity among the people of Israel.
The first act of conflict after WWII between the Yishuv/Jews and Palestinian Arabs, was a civil war that broke out because UN couldn’t decide plans on awarding land. The second act of conflict, was when the British forces withdrawal and another war broke out. The land the Jews and the Arabs were fighting for was named Israel and comprised of 78% of Palestine. A victory over the British by the Jews where six thousand Jews died made up only 1% of their population. This was a great victory for the Jews because it should how powerful they were. During the war, 750,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or expelled from their homes because they were losing the war. There was way more Jews forces/troops than Arabs forces/troops. Throughout the years of war,
For decades, the people of Palestine and Israel have had conflict with each other. The cause of the conflict was due to religion, territory, and borders (infoplease.com). The conflict began when Israel officially became a state in 1948. Within the same year, political issues of Jewish immigration to Palestine turned into a problem during World War I (White, 200). The issue had gotten worse when the British became heavily involved and decided to negotiate with the Arabs within the early 20th century.