The American Heart Association: A Case Study

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Professional associations are often set up as nonprofit organizations and serving the interest of members of that particular group as well as the general public. One example is the American Heart Association (AHA) that is existing in conjunction with the American Stroke Association (ASA). AHA was founded in 1924 by a group of physicians in New York. Currently, close to 33,000 professional members support the organization and enjoy the benefits of AHA/ASA. The mission statement that drives this organization is “Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke”. The goal for 2020 is 20 percent of death reduction of cardiovascular disease and stroke. In order to realize the better hearth and overall health to the public, AHA …show more content…

Sandi is a former smoker, experienced that the vapor from the e-cigarettes satisfies the urge to inhale the “smoke” without the unpleasant taste that accompanies the traditional cigarette smoke. She also addressed the issue of difficulty of quitting after prolonged use of e-cigarettes. As an oral healthcare professional, Sandi thinks that e-cigarette smokers have less damaging effect on the oral tissue as opposed to traditional cigarettes. However, as a professional, Sandi does not recomends to her patients to use e-cigarettes nor any nicotine replacements as a solution to quitting smoking. She believes quitting “cold turkey” is the most effective solution. She often runs into resistance from patients when talking to the harmful effect of smoking. She emphasizes how nicotine effects blood vessels in the mouth and the whole body and causing constriction of blood vessels depriving cells from Oxygen. But really she feels that she cannot force her patients to quit only providing information to encourage to adopt healthy life stile. A closing, Sandi takes about her concerns that e-cigarettes have not been on the market long enough to determine if they are safe alternatives to other tobacco

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