The American Dream Brandon King Summary

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Brandon King in “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?” redefines the American dream as something people can strive for. “I believe that the ideas and value of the American dream are still very much live”. People still believe in the American dream, despite recession, economic hardship, and high unemployment. The real sign of success in our society used to be owning expensive items, named cars, and homes and acquiring more material wealth. Today, most people do not strive for a rags-to-rich tradition, and instead prefer a stable, middle class lifestyle, one in which they can focus on saving money for the future and having secure employment. Due to these economy issues, two main approaches mentioned can be mad to fix the economy: minimize the income gap between social classes by raising taxes on the rich, and providing money and incentives to large businesses and wall street to hire more workers and increasing wages, which king agreed with. King also claims that American dreams aren’t necessary about income gap and class system, but rather how each individual can achieve their own American dream if they can. Redefining affects his argument because Robert Reich and Paul Krugman have hope in the American Dream, they argue that since income and wealth primarily focused on the rich, the lower and middle class are not able to effectively progress in the economy and require equal distribution in income.

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