Summary Of American Dream By Brandon King

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People who work hard enough become successful and build a good life for themselves and their family. Millions of Americans and others who admire America have believed this for generations. However, is this still true? Brandon King debates his interpretation of the American Dream in his published work, “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?” During his essay, the speaker highlights how important the American Dream is to the economy and providing a distance from inequality. The speaker emphasizes his belief that the American Dream is still alive within America and that people must work hard to achieve it. When discussing the American Dream, King will agree that the idea is alive and thriving in the minds of Americans; yet, I argue that the idea is on hold within American society due to lack of upward social independence and economic mobility. Social Independence implies that the amount of help a person takes from other individuals is equivalent to or less than the amount of help he or she gains in return. Socially independent people recognize their contribution to society and do not allow other people to influence them in any way. …show more content…

This general expression links to multiple visions and opinions. In other words, this expression has a different core meaning for each individual based on their specific wants in life. To me, the American Dream is an arrangement of standards in which freedom integrates the opportunity for achievement and upward progress for families, accomplished through diligent work in society without many limitations. America’s establishment is on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With this said, not everyone has an equal opportunity for success although freedom is what America supposedly is. However, everyone has their own vision of the American Dream. The only details that tie every vision together are opportunity and

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