The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian By Sherman Alexie

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Exploring Identity and Cultural Navigation in the book The Absolutely True Diary of A Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. The main character in the story, Arnold Spirt Jr, also known as Junior, lives on a Spokane Indian reservation. He faces lots of different social environments. Some of which are good, and others not so much. As Junior navigates from his dominant Native American culture to the predominantly white culture at his new school, he faces many challenges that relate to his identity and culture. Throughout Junior's life, he has always been made fun of for being different from the rest, which has always bothered him and made him doubt if he was ever normal. Junior feels as if he is split into two. Since he switched from an all-Indian school to an all-white school to …show more content…

Like the Spokane Indian rules of fisticuffs (pg 61), to always fight if someone insults you, your family, or your friends, or you must always pick fights with others. But when he made the decision to move to Rearden High School, many of the tribal members, including his best friend Rowdy, made Junior feel like a traitor for leaving the reservation to go to an all-white school (chapters 7-9). In Junior's mind, he knew that switching schools would be the best option for him. On Junior’s first day at Rearden, his dad, Arnold Spirt Sr., tried helping Junior re-conceptualize his thoughts on going to a new school. Junior has faced many challenges and diverse social groups since moving to a new school. His identity is very devoted to many different tribes. Including “The tribe of basketball players.” “The tribe of cartoonists.” and “The tribe of boys who really miss their best friends.” (pg 217) Junior has many different personalities. When he is with his best friend Rowdy, when he is playing basketball with his team, when he is on the reservation with all of the other Indians, and when he moved to an all-white school as an

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