The A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie

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Agatha Christie, The A.B.C. Murders, The world Publishing Company, 1945. pp. 306.

1. Captain Arthur Hastings: Mr. Hastings was a friend and an accomplice to

Hercule Poirot in solving the case of the A.B.C. murders.

Hercule Poirot: He was the main detective and investigator in the A.B.C. murders. He is a very intelligent and intellectual person.

Mary Drower, Megan Banard, Donald Fraser, Franklin Clarke and Miss Grey: These were all close friends or family, and they were all suspects.

2. Captain Hastings and Hercule Poirot were sitting in their room when a

letter arrived. It stated that the its author was going to murder someone on the 21st of July in Andover. And it was signed “Yours, etc., A.B.C.”. The two were very confused. When they reported it to the police, the officers said that they got messages like this every day and that it was probably a hoax. But Hercule Poirot wasn’t so sure.


When the 21st arrived, Hercule Poirot was feeling edgy, but

Hastings reminded him that it was probably just a hoax. But later that night they received word that a woman, Mrs. Ascher, had been murdered in Andover. They quickly traveled there and went to her shop. They looked around and...

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