The 80/20 Rule

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How to Leverage the 80/20 Rule for Blogging Success

You may have heard of the 80/20 rule – the basic principle has been recognized as a viable concept since its inception more than a century ago. In modern times, it’s been appropriated for its relevancy to a broad range of industries and personal objectives, from economics to business management to better relationships to weight loss. You can certainly apply the 80/20 principle to blogging – and if you do, you may very well discover a way to efficiently reorganize your time and efforts as a blogger.

80/20 Basics

First, you will need to familiarize yourself with the concept of the 80/20 rule. In order to use the rule to become more successful, you must know what the principle is and …show more content…

The 80/20 rule is officially known as the Pareto principle. The idea was borne of the observations of the Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto, near the end of the 19th century. His original observation was that, in his garden, 80 percent of the peas could be found in 20 percent of the pods. This seed of a thought grew into a theory he presented while at university: The theory being that 20 percent of the people in Italy owned 80 percent of its land. This concept was later dubbed the Pareto Principle by Joesph M. Juran, a management consultant. In terms of business, the principle has long been used to convey the message that 80 percent of sales typically come from 20 percent of the …show more content…

Here is Schaffer’s general take on the matter of an 80/20 ratio of blogging versus promoting: Don’t be so beholden to the principle that you ultimately market your blog to people who won’t become blog subscribers or further your brand. If you’re spending 80 percent of your time promoting your blog and brand to anyone and everyone possible, you are actually missing the entire point of using the principle for success. If you need to alter the ratio to provide better content that will attract the right people to your blog, you should do

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