That guy

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Have you ever had that time, where your running for you life? Well, lets just say that I'm in that situation. "Tia Frederick you are going to die!" the person roared, angrily. And that person was no other than Taylor. You see, I might have taken a picture of her sleeping. Doesn't sound bad now does it? Let me explain further. When I took the picture, she had a penis drawn on her face. "Tia please delete that picture." Taylor whined, as she continued her chasing. "No way!" I yelled, laughing. "I love your brother already." It was Taylor's younger brother you had done the artistic drawing. Kudos to him, because now I have the perfect blackmail. And the only reason I had gotten the picture is because she had called me the other day saying that she needed a lift. Ha, more like she wanted to see Alex. I don't think she'll never accept the fact that he's gay. But back to the topic, as I arrived at her house. Her parents welcomed me with open arms, while Alex decided to stay in the car. They told me that she was still asleep, so me being the nice friend, went to wake her up. And seeing her with that artistic drawing made it a bonus. "I'm going to kill that little runt and you!" she exclaimed, seriously. I knew that there was a hint of playfulness in her voice. Suddenly I heard a crashing sound, and a bunch of prophanities at the end. I stopped in my tracks, before turning around. There Taylor was on the floor, next to a brunette and it loooked like a computer had been smashed. "What the hell mate, watch where your going!" she yelled, narrowing her eyes at him. She got up dusting her shorts. "Say sorry!" That was a first, usually Taylor's the chirpy one. Looks like someones off to a bad start. Maybe it has to do with the pic... ... middle of paper ... ... why I've suggested you get a tutor." Wait a tutor! No, No definitely NOT. "And your brother has happily agreed to everything." That asshole. Its his turn to run for his life. "A tutor please sir. I can pick up my grades myslef." I said, trying to get him to agree with me. "No I am sorry Miss Tia, but it is a must. Here at Eastern High we want our students to excel and to help them in any way possible." he explained, and by the tone of his voice. I knew there was no persuading him. "You can meet him, he should be here any moment." Wait. Did he say him? Please don't be Logan. Oh god please be nice, don't be Logan. Don't let it be that good for nothing dick. "That must be him." he grinned, widely. Why does he keep saying him? Say the name god damn it. "Ah Connor, come in. Meet your new student." Isn't that? Yes, Yes it is. That guy was going to be my tutor.

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