Thanksgiving Observation

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For my third field work assignment, I chose to observe my Friendsgiving meal. A friendsgiving meal is basically a thanksgiving meal with just friends as opposed to family members. With that said, there were six of us that attended the dinner, it was held at my college apartment. My college apartment is really nothing special; so we had a lot of work to do to make it appear homely or a place worth a friendsgiving dinner. Before we had begun cleaning up my apartment, I let my friends know that I was going to be taking notes on the dinner for a paper. They thought it was odd at first, but I explained it was for a cooking class and that it was just generalities. For the dinner, we were supposed to foods that we thought would be …show more content…

During the dinner, the first thing that I noticed was that Patricia ate her tub of ice cream first. I asked her why she did as such and she told me she started it because her father did it all the time at big dinners, she also stated that her mother hated his idiosyncrasy and her mother also hated that Patricia was starting to follow in his ways. The first rule that was ever broken during our dinner was with Adam. For the first half hour of the dinner, he focused his attention on his cellphone, and barely contributed to the dinner conversation. His punishment was simple, Patricia yelled at him, he immediately put his phone down. The next person to face Patricia’s wrath was Wesley. Right after she finished with Adam, she quickly moved her attention to Wesley and yelled at him, because he brought a guest to a dinner for just friends. Wesley’s only defense was “but she left”, this angered Joy even more because he did not understand what he had did wrong. They bickered back and forth making snarky comments under their breaths. While Patricia and Wesley argued, Adam, Sabrina, and I had some table talk. Adam said he was focused on his phone because this “annoying” girl who “just did not get the hint” kept

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