Testing the Strength of Plant Fibers

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Title: Testing the strength of plant fibers


To develop knowledge and understanding of the strength of plant fiber in a plant stem.

To develop problem solving and experimental skills, for example, information is accurately processed, using calculations where appropriate, experimental procedures are planned, designed and evaluated properly, the use of microscopes, producing valid results and recording results.

To develop techniques of measuring the size of plant fibers under microscope using stage micrometer and eyepiece graticule.


Pumpkin plant

Pumpkin is of the genus Cucurbita and family Cucurbitaceae . Pumpkins are grown all around the world for a variety of reasons ranging from agricultural purposes to commercial and ornamental sales. Furthermore, the fruit is popularly harvested for consumption. The colors of the pumpkins are derived from the orange pigment abundant in them. The main nutrients of pumpkin are both alpha and beta carotene. Beta carotene generates vitamin A in the body. The plant grows in vines that spread low across the ground, with large leaves and yellow-orange flowers.

Plant fibres

Plant fibres consist of vascular tissues and the sclerenchyma fibres. Mature sclerenchyma cells are dead cells that have walls heavily thickened with lignin. There are two main types of sclerenchyma cells: fibres and sclereids. Fibres are elongated cells whose long, tapering ends interlock, to provide support to a plant. They can be found almost anywhere in the plant body, especially in the stem. Plant fibre contributes greatly to the strength of the plant stem. Some examples of naturally occurring fibres include are cotton, hemp, and jute. The vegetable fibres are based on the arrangement of ...

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...ty. 2009. Experimental Biosciences. Available from: http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/methods/microscopy/measuring.html Accessed on 24th February 2009

The Internet Encyclopedia of Science. 2009. Plant Stem. Available from: http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/P/plant_stem.html Accessed on 24th February 2009

The University of Western Cape. 2009. Sclerenchyma. Available from: http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/SCI_ED/grade10/plant_tissues/sclerenchyma.htm Accessed on 24th February 2009

Tiscali. 2008. Xylem. Available from: http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0007024.html Accessed on 24th February 2009

Wikipedia. 2009. Tensile strength. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensile_strength Accessed on 24th February 2009

Wikipedia. 2009. Fiber. Available from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibre Accessed on 24th February 2009

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