Terry Fox: A Canadian Hero

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According to the Oxford dictionary, a hero is a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Terry Fox is a Canadian hero because of his determination, his selfless personality, and the achievements he and his legacy have reached. Throughout his entire life, Terry Fox was determined. As a junior in high school, he struggled to make the basketball team. Every day, he would practice. He gradually got better and in time he became the caption of the team. Then, when Fox was 18 years old, he developed a tumour in his right knee. He immediately went under operation and lost his leg from the bottom of the foot to 15 inches above the knee. (Terry Fox organization, fact page) Terry had decided that this operation wasn’t going to change him. He was determined to fight his …show more content…

Within a few weeks, Terry set a new goal for himself, to run across Canada. On April 12th 1980, in St. Johns Newfoundland, Terry Fox dipped his foot into the Atlantic Ocean and started his run across Canada. (Leslie Scriver, Terry Fox His Story, Page 3) Terry’s plan was to run the 5,300 miles cost to cost (Leslie Scriver, Terry Fox His Story, Page 3) to raise awareness about cancer, and collect pledges that would benefit the Canadian Cancer Society. (ESPN, 30 for 30). His story was defiantly not a popular one in the beginning of his run. CBC reluctantly agreed to cover Terry’s run with one camera man. (ESPN, 30 for 30).. He found running through Quebec quite difficult because not many people understood what he was doing or why. The pledges were slow and people even tried to run him off the road. Mr. Fox kept going. He had a goal of raising 1 dollar for every Canadian, and

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