Tennessee V. Cyntoia Brown Summary

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The case of Tennessee V. Cyntoia Brown was a case of major controversy and ethical dilemmas. This case is that of a young girl who had suffered more than any should. The State had failed her, her entire life. Her story is that of having no chance to succeed in life. All Together her childhood, teenage years, the night it happened, prosecutorial discretion, and judicial discretion. Cyntoia Brown was born in 1988 to an alcoholic named Georgina Michelle. She is thought to be born with fetal alcohol syndrome. The symptoms that are believed to affect Cyntoia by her defense and doctors are: trouble with attention and processing information, difficulty with reasoning and problem solving, and poor judgement skills. She was in and out of child protective services for her first couple years of life. Georgina Michelle gave Cyntoia up for adoption to Ellenette Brown. Ellenette brown tried to give cyntoia a stable and developmentally adequate home. It was too late. In her later life it was revealed that she was the victim of multiple sexual attacks and physical abuse unknown to her adoptive family. By 2004 Cyntoia was a problem child and run away. She became romantically …show more content…

Even with Tennessee being a Stand your ground state. She was charged with aggravated robbery for taking Johnny Allen’s money. The case was not fair at all she was automatically assumed guilty and was facing a trial to prove her innocence rather then her guilt. The expert witness used against her were not regulated to speak strictly on their professional area of expertise. Their evidence that proved she had mental issues that made her possibly incompetent to stand trial. The court denied the defense the use of a witness. While the state used her mother to testify against her. Cyntoia brown was denied her rights to due process, and given a life

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