Temperature Changes During the Addition of Sulphuric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide Solution

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Temperature Changes During the Addition of Sulphuric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide Solution


To investigate the temperature changes during the addition of

sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide solution.


In this experiment we are using sodium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide,

sulphuric acid. We are trying to find out how much acid it takes to

neutralise alkaline. But there are many things that could effect my

final result and I think that the main thing will be measuring the

acid and alkali out accurately so that the experiment was fair.


We planned the experiment as a class and so we have all predicted that

the same thing will happen to the results. But a few of us disagreed

and I was one of them. The class predicted that the graph would go up

until it reached 25 acid/cm³ and then it would remain constant. But I

disagreed and said that it would go back down after a while.


For this experiment we used:


25 cm³ measuring cylinder

100 cm³ beaker

Digital thermometer



This is how are experiment was set up. We were all given acid and

alkali. First we set up the burette. We placed it into a clamp so that

is was secure and stable. Then we filled it up with 50cm³ of acid.

Then I placed a 100cm³ beaker underneath and filled that up with 25cm³

of alkali.

Then I read off the temperature from the electric thermometer. Once I

had recorded the temperature and written it down I added 5cm³ of acid

into the beaker of alkali and then again I recorded and wrote down the

temperature. I carried on doing this until I had a full set of results

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