Teenagers Should Never Have Cosmetic Surgery

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Teenagers Should Never Have Cosmetic Surgery

In 2012, over 236,000 teenagers from the ages of 13-19 years old, went "under the syringe" to have a cosmetic procedure done (Gilbert, Web). Teenagers should never be able to have cosmetic surgeries because of the harmful effects the procedures have. Teenage minds and bodies are not fully developed until they are in their early twenties. Therefore, doctors are unable to fully comprehend the risks these procedures will have on the teenagers, since their bodies are still changing. Cosmetic surgeries are nearly impossible to predict the health risks of and the affects they will have on the still developing bodies of teenagers. Teenagers who get a cosmetic procedure done are not having it done to look normal, but to look better than what they think the average teenager should look like. Teenagers are oblivious to the documented health risks that follow these cosmetic procedures. While teenagers believe they should be able to have these harmful procedures done, they do not know the full extent of the risks they are taking and the negative effects it can have on their bodies.

Cosmetic surgeries are more difficult to calculate the health risks of because these

procedures are done for pure enjoyment, not for health reasons. With most procedures,

the health risks that may follow are weighed against what the expected health benefits

are. Cosmetic procedures however, do not improve health. They, by definition, are

intended to only improve one’s outward physical appearance. Also, another factor that

can change the results and affects of a procedure, is how the human body will react to

the surgery. Everyone’s bodies react differently to every procedure, but when a body is


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