Teen Driving Limitations

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What does a driver's licence mean for teenagers? A drivers licence means a number of things for teens, like independence from their parents and no more long bus rides or tiring walks to get from one place to another. But most of all, a drivers licence means freedom. The freedom of driving to a gas station and buying unhealthy snacks with your own money, and then driving away with your snacks in your car is an almost impossible sensation to put into words. So when this freedom is obscured by teenager driving limitations, does that sensation of freedom dissipate? Simply put; yes, that freedom suddenly feels less free, but these these limitations aren't set up to ruin your day, they're set in place to save lives.

Thirty-three percent of deaths among thirteen to nineteen year olds in 2010 occurred in motor vehicle crashes, and that number has only gone up in the past six years. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause in deaths among teens. Let's face it, teens who have been driving for only a couple of months aren't going to be as good as an adult who's been driving for several years. In order to balance out the impairment of inexperience, these teenager driving limitations are set in place to keep the roads …show more content…

While a law like this does decrease the number of crashes among teens in that area, some parents and teens say they are too extreme. Yes, I must agree that driving limitation laws such as the one scribed above are a bit extreme. If a friend or young sibling had a doctor's appointment during work hours, a newly licenced teen would lawfully not be able to assist in the dilemma. This forces the parent to become involved, taking them from their paying jobs. These laws are for our benefit. They may be a bit extreme but being inconvenienced is better than having to pay off car

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