Technology In The Year 2050: The Future Of The Future

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In this day and age we live in a world that surrounds us with vast quantities of information that is accessible by the tips of our fingers. But in the year 2050 there will be more information that will be accessed in a more efficient way. One will only have to think to store and see the information they desire, and large computing devices will no longer be necessary. Unlike technology today, laptops, smart phones, and cameras, the technology of the future will allow humans to access and process information through their eyes and store it in their brain. This technology is more efficient and faster. Information that looses relevance is stored in an iCloud like device that is accessible by the human brain when needed. This advancement will use the functions that our brains complete on a daily basis and will further the memory process and storage system. Ultimately, in the future, information will be retrievable at a blink of an eye.
Imagine yourself in the year 2050; you aren’t weighted down from lugging your laptop, notebooks or phone everywhere you go. All you need to take notes and surf the web is to put in iSee contacts. At the doctor’s office, the doctor rattles lots of medical jargon in regards to your health, but you can’t catch or understand all of the information. iSee contacts records all of the information your doctor says and saves it to your iMind. While writing a paper, you want to research a term. So you identify the term to your …show more content…

The human body contains what is needed to make technology more efficient and beneficial, all that needs to be done “is to take advantage of existing mechanisms and to alter [the] language” of current technology (Bush 4). Today the world may depend upon laptops and monitors to find and show the information of the world but the future lies in expanding upon what our bodies already do and syncing it to the

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