Technology's Impact: A Journey through Jobs and Huxley

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“What a computer is to me is it’s the most remarkable tool that we have ever come up with. It’s the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds” was said by Steve Jobs, who is the CEO of Apple Inc. Computers relate to a big part of technology, and what steve is saying is that technology has a big impact the way we think. Aldous Huxley also talks about technology in his novel, Brave New World; his story is based in a futuristic society that focuses mainly on technological improvement. Huxley talks about how technology can have an impact on society; and he proves that technology enriches human life in his novel, Brave New World, by showing how it can improve transportation, education, and birth.
Transportation is one of the technological advancements presented to show how technology can improve human life. As shown in the novel, the Alphas each have their own helicopters in …show more content…

Every two and a half minutes a bell and the screech of whistles announced the departure of one of the monorail trains which carried the lower caste golfers back from their separate course to the metropolis” (Huxley 72). Some may argue that Huxley is trying to prove that having this much transportation can cause , but Huxley is really saying that more transportation makes travel easy and convenient for humans.
Technology improves education as well stated by Huxley in Brave New World. The scientists of the World State, as shown in chapter 2, perform various experiments on children and infants in order to teach them how to act and think in certain ways in order to make society better for everyone. One of these experiments was electroshock therapy: “The Head Nurse, who was standing by a switchboard at the other end of the room, pressed down a little lever. There was a violent explosion. Shriller and ever shriller, a siren shrieked. Alarm bells

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