Technology And Mindless Consumerism In Feed By M. T. Anderson

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In M.T. Anderson’s dystopian novel Feed we encounter a society comprised of rampant and mindless consumerism. The thoughts and personalities of the individuals have little meaning in this world filled with technology and ubiquitous conformity. The characters in Feed all fall into the category of ideal consumers, following the cycle society is stuck in. School and learning have become a thing of the past, and due to the feed implants any information is now at their fingertips. Schools are now owned by private firms, the sole purpose of education is to create better consumers. Titus, the protagonist in the novel is the embodiment of a mindless citizen, who resides in the conformable bed of his conformity. The society created by the feed hinders …show more content…

Citizens have their passions taken away and no goals by not being able to pursue a degree and restricted mentally, unable to be an intelligent member of society. Companies like the idea of simplifying the minds of their consumers, in order for citizens to mindlessly contribute to their cycle of consumerism. Essentially, all a citizen is to society is a mindless shopper having little to no difference between everyone else. When an individual isn’t able to buy anything and has little individuality subsequently everything they think about is influenced by companies through the feed. What are they, a perfect example of just what the corporation’s want, a mindless consumer with no other goal than to buy and consume products which are thrown at them via the feed. Violet exemplifies this idea of mindless conformity and the suppression of individuality caused by the feed when talking with Titus, “They keep making everything more basic so it will appeal to everyone... everyone gets used to everything being basic, so we get less and less varied as people”(97). One of the main reasons for this is to make society to one of their types for easy marketing. The feed clutters the mind of the user creating an inability to think for them by being bombarded by …show more content…

Corporations disregard our personal interests or individuality, their only motivation is to sell their products to the masses. Cell phones have not been evolved to the extent to which influences your thoughts and opinions directly like the feed does, so there is hope in stopping this cycle. By reducing our dependency on technology we will be able to less likely be brainwashed by these companies. By viewing advertisements everywhere over time your brain puts them in the back of your mind when a person scrolls though the page, however neither the mental image nor the thought of each advertisement seen goes away. Once an ad has replayed enough times a consumer eventually begins to think about it, whether they like it or not. M.T. Anderson’s prediction of society has been so close to correct that it is scary and displeasing to think about the future, Anderson who wrote the book in 2002 had no idea the innovation of smart phones and being able to access the internet

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