Tear Gas: A Short Story

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Tear Gas I lay down on the bed of my dorm room and look at the ceiling. It was the spring of 1966 and I had just got back from my service in Vietnam and am currently attending Ohio State University. The sun had just rose and I had just gotten up to get ready for my morning class on the oval. I was walking down the metal spiral stairs and then out the red door to leave my dorm when I heard the sirens of multiple cop cars in the area. I still continued my walk to class and finally got to the brick building where I take my psychology class. I sat in my seat in the classroom. My class was very small only about twenty five students and about seven of them had served in the Vietnam war. I asked one of the fellow classmates “Did you hear the sirens this morning?” He replied with “Indeed I did, I had just left for class.” …show more content…

The professor walked in wearing a greyish black suit with a red tie and a pair of black glasses. He was a tall man and seemed to be extremely strong. “Everyone sit down and get out their textbooks and turn to page 545 and read to page 550.” He spouted out. I turned to my friend and asked, “ Can I look off of your textbook, I left mine back at my dorm.” “Of course,” He said. We read the text together and continued on with class. About five minutes later you could hear a scramble going on outside. Our professor stopped teaching to see what was going on. He cracked open the window to see students protesting the Vietnam War. There were students and police enforcement all over the oval. I leaned to my friend and said “I figured out what the police sirens were about.” He replied back with “I guess so, always protesting somewhere or at least that's what it seems like.” “a rally was held on the Oval to protest on-campus military recruiters and research with companies involved with the war.” (Lauren Hallow and Dylan Tussel) I said, “There truly always

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