Tattoo Persuasive Research Paper

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A lifelong mark is being inserted through tiny holes under the skin’s top layer like a sewing machine. It is slowly covering the skin with ink, though accompanied with some pain included in this life experience.This is how the tattoo is being arisen, slowly, partially and extremely precisely to create a piece of art. Tattoo creates a visual imprint that will never be forgotten. Tattoos in today’s world are nothing incommon or weird, there is rather a tendency to overspread and the age of possessing one has also significantly lowered. Tattoos are becoming more commonly seen in our society today and there is no longer an opinion that only tough prisoners could have. Despite the growing popularity, people still tend to have mixed feeling about …show more content…

They think that it is a kind of a way to express themselves sharing their life story to others and their passions. Couple of our ASW community mates have already some tattoos. The grade range differs from 10th to12th grade. Evanna Parcińska (ASW 12 Grader) when being asked about whether she has a tattoo or not and what is her opinion about teenagers who have at least one, answered: “Yes, I have a few tattoos. I got my first one at the age of 15 with the consent of my parents. They genuinely support my decisions regarding my own body modifications. Tattoos for me are art and a method of self-expression. If anything, I have a stronger connection to someone with tattoos, because I feel what they have gone through than with someone who doesn't. Because I am a teenager with a few tattoos, I can only speak for myself. I would hate it if people judged me or commented negatively on my pieces. It is offending and hurtful, when someone attacks my body and feels obligated to give their opinion. So I think, teenagers with visible tattoos definitely have it harder in breaking …show more content…

Some people have tattoos they get just because they look pretty or that person wants to look really cool or impress their friends. If that’s their reason then that's their business but personally I think that tattoos need a bit more than that to be good, so people with the right tattoos I think of differently than those with tattoos I can't see a lot of value in. That said, I am always able to distinguish the tattoo from the person and even though I might not like their tattoos I try not to treat the person differently because of it. If a friend of mine has a tattoo I focus on how good they are as a person not their tattoo, it’s their body and their decision to make. Even though, it’s becoming more popular and acceptable in society, I think teenage years are so full of constant changes of future plans and interests that doing something permanent to your body might be too much of a risk. Even if the person has no regrets and the tattoo looks good, not everyone will see it that way and that has to be taken into consideration. I think the time to get tattoos is when one has a steady job that won't be affected by having a visible

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