Target Corporation Case Study

738 Words2 Pages

Target Corporation Business Code of Conduct

(Ethics Statement)

Target Corporation is committed to conducting business lawfully and ethically. Each team member is obligated to act at all times with honesty and integrity. Target complies with international, federal, state and local laws and regulations related to our business.


Target is an Equal Opportunity Employer and shall not discriminate against any worker based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, disability, political affiliation and national origin. Target will adhere to all laws relating to non-discrimination, wages, hours, working conditions, pension and welfare benefits plans, sexual harassment and other terms and conditions of employment. Discrimination is strictly prohibited.


Targets advertising will provide clear and accurate information t help guests make buying decisions while complying with the law.


No assets of the Company may be used to bribe or influence any decision by and official, person or entity.


Target must compete vigorously and fairly in the marketplace using our independent judgment to make the best decisions for the Company.


Each Target team member is responsible for maintaining the Company’s brand image when communicating. Electronic communications should comply with the Company’s email policy.

Company Assets

Company assets are to be purchased, used and disposed of solely for the benefit of the Company. Confidential information must be protected.

Conflict of Interest

All team members and their immediate families are required to act in a manner that will avoid loss or embarrassment to the Company.


We must provide accurate disclosur...

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...owing ways:

Contact your supervisor

Call the Employee Relations and Integrity Hotline at 1-800-541-6838. Outside the United States, you can call 704-556-7046.

Contact your compliance officer (the Chief Financial Officer of your operating company)

All reported violations will be investigated and acted on appropriately.

When you report a violation, you may choose to remain anonymous. If you choose to identify yourself, your identity will be protected as much as possible, based on the need to prevent potential harm to others, to comply with the law and to conduct a complete investigation. You will not be subject to retaliation for reporting a suspected violation in good faith. You will receive confirmation that your report was received and, in most instances, you will be notified of the action the company took.

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