TGALE 100 Essay

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Demonstrating the “Art” of Caring Introduction Care is defined as an action by an individual or group of people showing deliberate care and concern for one another and acting to meet the best interests of an individual. The act of caring for others has been recognised as one of the most important aspects of the nursing profession and labelled an “art.” Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals or groups, sick or well and in all settings. A nurse’s work includes promoting health and preventing illness as well as caring for the ill, disabled and dying; however, the most important aspect of nursing care is meeting the potential and actual health needs of a client. Because a patient is at one of their most vulnerable points in life, it is imperative that nurses can effectively demonstrate they genuinely care for their patients by meeting the needs of a client holistically rather than merely focusing on the visible or physiological needs of their patients. This essay will explore how nurses can demonstrate their care for their patients in a deliberate and meaningful way. Physiological Aspects Of Caring Genuine care and compassion are welcomed characteristics of nurses and the profession of nursing and the most basic demonstration of care displayed by a nurse is to meet the physiological needs of a client. Physiological needs are categorised as the first priority of care and are required to maintain positive health and well-being (Pearson, 2013). Examples of physiological needs include oxygen, adequate intake of fluids and nutrition, maintaining correct body temperature, shelter, sex, and regular elimination of waste (McLeod, 2007; Pearson, 2013). For a nurse to meet these needs and demonstrate they care f... ... middle of paper ... as it enhances a client's overall well-being. Both Thomas (2011) and McMurray (2009) agree that a nurse who displays attitudes and behaviours which value the client as a human being, enhances a client’s perception of what is deemed as a nurse “caring.” This was particularly evident in an article based on the personal experience of a newly registered nurse and her interactions with an elderly resident at her facility (cite article - nursing world). It was evident that the nurse's promotion of open communication and respect for the client enhanced the provision of care provided and the client was willing to personally engage with the new nurse. Therefore, it is important for a nurse to acknowledge, value and respect a patient’s personal beliefs or decisions to demonstrate caring for a patient’s emotional and mental well-being and not just their physical condition.

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