Synthesis Of Into The Woods

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The musical “Into the Woods” was adapted to fit the big screen in 2014. This film features big name actors and actresses such as Anna Kendrick, James Corden, Meryl Streep, and Johnny Depp. This movie goes through many parts of people’s lives and shows how the characters adapt and have changed once they are “out of the woods”. The movie begins with each character wishing for something and throughout the movie, they each get their wish. In the end everything gets skewed and they realize perhaps what they wished for is not what they truly wanted. This movie follows multiple characters that develop through their experiences and motivations. Characters such as the Baker, his Wife, Jack, Cinderella, Little Red Ridinghood, and the Witch all use their wishes as their motivations to go into the woods. …show more content…

He wanted to have a child. The only way to have a child was to lift the curse his father caused. His motivation then came less from the desire to reproduce, but to avenge his father who had left him at a very young age. Because his needs of food and water were met, and he was financially stable, he began to have the reproductive instinct occur. Him and his wife wanted to nurture a child. Over time, he began to turn into what he never wanted to be. He was just like his father, running away when things got difficult. This could be contributed to evolutionary psychology. His family’s way of adapting seemed to be to run away from the problem when things got difficult. Luckily, by the end of the movie his nurturing motive outweighed his evolutionary psychology and he returned to his

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