Synopsis of Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth

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Synopsis of Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth This is a classic book that focuses on domesticity in the 18th

century. It highlights the basically mundane life that faced women

(particularly spinsters) of this era. If you want exitement and

adventure this is not the book for you. If, however you are interested

in the history of domesticity and how small things meant so much, then

this book is delightful.


Elizabeth Gaskell


Ruth Hilton, an orphan and dressmaker's assistant is seduced and

heartlessly deserted by the wealthy Henry Bellingham. Mrs Gaskell

tells the story of Ruth's love for her child; her new life in the home

of Thurston Benson, a dissenting minister; the misery caused by the

tyrannical Mr Bradshaw, in whose house she finds employment as a

governess; and the cruel twist of fate that confronts her again with

her worthless love,...

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