Synopsis Of 'The Fault In Our Stars'

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The Fault in Our Stars
The Fault in Our Stars is a romantic tale written by John Green. The story is narrated by a 16 year old cancer patient named Hazel Grace Lancaster .The story opens up when Hazel reluctantly attends a cancer patient support group at her mother’s behest. In one of the meetings, she catches the eye of a teenage boy Augustus Waters who is there to support his friend Isaac, suffering from eye cancer. Augustus has osteosarcoma but after having his leg amputated he recovers. Augustus approaches Hazel and invites her to his home. Hazel shares her favorite book “An Imperial Affliction” with Augustus and together they obsess about the unsolved ending. Intrigued Hazel emails the author and finally gets invited to Amsterdam to discuss the ending. …show more content…

First the strong, funny, full of life, charming blue eyed boy, fetishizing his own grandiosity who wants to leave a mark on humanity and to whom importance of life is to leave a noble legacy behind. As his cancer returns, he is only ‘Gus’ what his parents call him and not grandiosely named and strong Augustus Waters. Underneath the romantic and strong gestures, Gus is a sweet, caring and a terrified teenager fighting life.
Contrary to Hazel, who is reserved and doesn’t want to make a real move at the risk of hurting anyone, Augustus is quite determined to leave a mark on everything he touches. He knows how to live life to the fullest and rescues Hazel from all the drudgery of being a cancer kid. It is his love for Hazel that makes him realize that failing to do something extraordinary due to his excruciatingly painful condition does not equal being insignificant. He metaphorically places his cigarette between his lips representing his control over the thing that could kill him. But ironically at the end he has no control over his disease and what destiny has woven for him and was completely

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