Symbols Of Heorot In Beowulf

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The mead hall “Heorot” is a reoccurring setting within the poem, novella, and movie. Heorot serves as a palace, barrack, bar, and cafeteria. Although the events that took place there could only arguably be a surprise, with heorot translating to “hall of hart” and hart translating to male deer. A widely popular hunted animal foreshadowing Grendel’s future invasions. It was no surprise that the mead hall was an architectural symbol when it comes to this story. Representing comradery and unity as well as serving as a place for the king to display his gold, jewels, armor, overall wealth and power. The mead hall is a place to gather weather that be for a formal, feast/ wild party, or even a barrack for soldiers. Overall the mead hall whether it …show more content…

In the poem/book Beowulf trails Grendel 's mother through a lake dressed in armor and armed with Unferth 's sword. During the battle the sword breaks and Grendel 's mother strikes Beowulf, but thanks to his armor he wasn 't punctured."The Troll-Hag wailed and screamed, slashing out with knife-sharp claws, leaving three indentations running down along the side of Beowulf 's blood stained helm. The fiery eyes of the serpent on the golden helm blazed out as the mighty warrior turned once more to face his foe, the blood now running hot within his veins seeping still from the four holes that had punctured through his helm"(Beowulf,line1500). …show more content…

In the literary works he becomes king of Geatland when their king hygealac and his son die (Beowulf,lines2250). In the works he returns to his homeland after liberating the Danes from Grendel and his mother. He does this and takes the thrown as a noble, respectable, and faithful king. Although in the film Hrothgar is obviously affected by the recent events, and when he leaves makes Beowulf his heir, then commits suicide by walking off a ledge in the mead hall, making Beowulf king of Denmark. It is not exactly a noble or respectful way to take power especially when Hrothgar had faithful

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